Chapter 7

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When Estella returned home—after Edward dropped her, Lilah asked her well being and if she liked the project. She only muttered in exhaustion, "I said yes, " while grabbing a Cheetos pack and silently went upstairs, into her room.

The other three days passed in an agonizing blur. She indulged in a little sightseeing in Brooklyn, spent a few hours with Tanya at her workplace, and yesterday, she received an email about her high school reunion in two weeks. None of her friends contacted if she was planning on showing up. Disheartened, she didn't take another look at it and obviously forgot about it. 

Edward was supposed to reach out to seal the deal in the presence of their lawayers but as another two days came to an end, Estella finally forgot about him and went shopping with Lilah. Tanya was busy with her boss at work and she didn't know who else to contact. After her mom told her she also had to buy groceries, they went out.

Her mom picked a long and elegant expensive party dress that hugged her thin frame while covering up most of her body. No bare shoulders, or deep neck. The beige and yellow stripes printed on the clothes gave her a younger look and playfully, she shrugged her shoulders, then flipped her blonde hair like a model, giving the effect. 

Estella laughed and she felt like losing ten pounds. "Superb Mom. Dad is gonna fall head over heels all over again." 

"And if he didn't, " she said. "I'll trip his leg."

She laughed again. "And I'll help."

Still smiling, her mother handed over a short black sundress with red and yellow flowers at the hem. At the beginning of her sophomore year in high school, Lilah was very strict with the choice of clothing Estella wore. It took Estella a lot of convincing and bothering to let her wear as per her choice. "This will be nice for your alumni." 

She gaped. "How did you know—"

"Dave, your school friend called in my number this morning." She told her daughter. "I didn't know your friends have my number, but not yours." 

"You have the same number for God knows how many years," Estella said, putting the dress over her to get the look on herself. "And I happened to lose my phone every year. So I gave them yours in case of an emergency. Even I'm surprised to hear Dave still has it." 

"Anyway, he was asking for you," Lilah informed her. "You were sleeping so I didn't disturb you but he was looking forward to meeting you." She paused and hesitated. "Were you and Dave a thing in high school? Gosh, I could never keep up with your boyfriends." 

Estella was now in the changing room but she heard her. "He was in our friend circle and we never dated each other. It was sort of understanding. Friends before benefits."

"Why aren't you in touch with anyone?" 

"I met new friends in college and we just drifted apart." She came out of the small mirrored room. 

Lilah gave an approving nod. "So you are planning to wear this at a reunion or not?" 

"Dress is awesome." She grinned before disappearing into the room to change back into her spaghetti top and jeans. "And no, alumni sucks." 

Afterward, both mother and daughter shopped at the footwear chain store and purchased more items. Lilah brought baking dishes, two rugs, new sets of knives while Estella spent her money on seven pairs of earrings, a new hairdryer, and matching boots for her dress. They ate double cheese pepperoni pizza at the mall after they were tired and hungry. 

Estella loaded the bags into the back seat when her phone made noise. Lilah sat on the passenger seat when she saw the name on the screen. 

Oh, fuck!

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