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"One last pose and.... Done!"

The photographer gave me a thumbs up signaling I was done. I sighed in relief and went back to my stylists. I was again here in Tsukio's company for another photoshoot for the jewelries, Zaldex isn't here this time since he's also having a photoshoot for a magazine.

"Hina, what did Mr. Hot Daddy talk to you about?" Ada asked, I looked back at her and scrunched my brows

"Hot Daddy??" I said, both Ada and Nadia shrugged

"That's a perfect name for him since he's hot and a daddy material" Nadia said. I rolled my eyes and shook my head, he may be a potential daddy but that doesn't change my feelings for him now.

The door to the studio opened and I see Tsukio enter with his assistant, speak of the devil. He looked around the studio until his eyes landed on me, he started to approach me.

"Oh my god, Nads he's looking at us!" Ada whispered behind, Nadia slapped her shoulder

"No you rotten doughnut!" Nadia whispered back "He's looking at Hina"

"Ms. Miyazaki, are you finish?" Tsukio asked, I pursed my lips and nodded

"I want you to come with me, if that's alright with you?" I stared at him for a while, debating on my thoughts.

"I guess" He nodded and walked away, I stood up to follow him out of the studio

He brought me all the way to the VIP parking lot, I'm starting to get confused to where is he taking me. I stared at his broad back while walking, I don't know if his shoulders got extended 'cause they didn't look like that before. My eyes went down to his left hand, I stared at it for a while and realized that there were scars and some stitches in his hand, that wasn't there before. What happened?

"Do you want to ride with me? Or on your own?" Tsukio asked

"I have a car so I can obviously drive on my own, thank you" I went in my car and revved up the engine

I stared at the reserved sign right in front of my car, I sighed at it. Why did I even chose this parking space anyway?

I let Tsukio back up first then I followed him. We both drove away from the building while I follow wherever Tsukio is going. I have big opportunity to swerve my car and drive far away from here but instead I continue to follow him which is dumb.

We both arrived to a restaurant, it's not that crowded it's like there is no people at all in the restaurant. I guess its a private restaurant or something

I parked my car beside Tsukio's and hopped off. Tsukio was already at the entrance waiting for me, I caught up to him and we both entered the restaurant.

I was right, there were almost no people here, just some elites and some models that I'm familiar with. Some of them took glances at me, luckily they're not journalists or newscasters else they'll sure find this a major scoop.

Tsukio and I sat across each other, a waiter came by and asked us our order, Tsukio ordered a tres leches while I order a chicken alfredo.

"Why are you taking me out?" I asked, Tsukio looked up from his phone.

"I just need to talk to you about the change of venue for the photoshoot" He said

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