painted smile.

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Linny woke up hearing charley pacing downstairs. he  slowly crept down concerned for him.
"LINNY!" linnys fur stuck up. "my girlfriends coming over! " charley said wagging his tail like crazy.
Linny smiled before nervously laughing. "Cool."  Linny rushed upstairs again awkwardly.
Charley paid no attention to this as he was too Focused on preparing himself.
meanwhile upstairs Linny was pacing around looking for something, he grabbed an empty book of paper he found lying on the ground. he curiously opened it  noticing a pencil next to him, He grabbed it . starting to doodle out some Pretty strange.. things, Aswel as .. fucked up things. Linny was sucked inside of it for what felt like hours before hearing "and this Is uh. this is my friends room", Linny looked up seeing Charley and Some stranger looking at him confusingly. Linny opened his mouth to say hi but nothing sang out . he stood up, "O-oh hi"
the stranger Smiled at Linny before walking with Charley as he showed her a bunch of rooms in his place. Linny grumbled, why was he so bugged by her?, why? he has no reason to?... or does he?. Linny continued to doodle but harder, as he started drawing a More strange array of things before the pencil snapped in half from the pressure alerting Charley in the other room, Charley peeked in, "You ok bud?" Linny blinked for a momment, "Ye.." He looked at Charley trying to Fake a smile, But it looked so perfect  Almost like it was'nt faked, Charley left the room back to the stranger. Linny got up walking downstairs and out of the house, sneaking To a store nearby seeing a bottle of something and buying it, he kept himself low whilst walking back As at any time he could Bump into peters goons if hes not careful enough. Linny finally got back, Opening the door and bumping into Charley, "I-im sorry" Linny said moving past Charley. Charley looked Flustered but Annoyed, why was he acting so weird? Charley thought to himself, i mean.. after all he is being hunted down.. Charley questioned . a loud clink was heard from the living room, as something made of glass gently thudded onto something, Charley payed no attention and began to speak To his Gf (the stranger in Linny's pov) , Linny  felt more distressed as he started to chug Down a mysterious liquid, feeling himself slip in and out of his usual demeanor and a much more melty feeling, he finished it in a matter of minutes, opening the living room door and tossing it out sneakily. He heard Footsteps behind him and almost jumped out of his skin, He turned his head seeing Charley looming over him curiously. "So? what ya doing" charley Asked with a calm smile on his face, "o-oh nothing just looking about.. Its fun " Linny said awkwardly as a response, Charley chuckled "Alright, just keep yourself safe ok?.. and..Dont go into the attic"
Linny looked at him up and down before responding, !"Oh, sure dont worry" . his tail was wagging a little as Charley left, he got himself back into the living room looking about and  noticing a hatch to upstairs that seemingly lead to the attic oddly, Linny got uncomfortable, this is so Strange.. Could this be what Charley was talking about? , Linny climbed the ladder , he got up fearing to look down as he knew he didnt do too Good with heights , He heard something once again. "Look at you, YOU DEFINITELY LISTENED TO YOUR BUDDY OLD PAL HUHUHU" Linny Swung himself around seeing one of peters goons looming over him with a frying pan. Linny slipped off the ladder feeling himself fly downwards, "CHARLEY!!" He slammed into the floorboards getting winded by the impact, he gasped for air as he started to feel adrenaline Kick into him as he heard the goon rushing down the ladder as he tried to pick himself up whilst  gasping in shock trying to crawl away, he whined loudly trying to get onto his feet , eventually he did limping across the room as part of his leg had a nail jabbed into it from the floorboards . He collapsed in pain from his leg before Charley Slammed the door open seeing the goon creeping down the ladder, and freezing as they saw Charley's not very pleased look, Charley growled Seeing the goon squirm up the ladder in fear , Charley dropped onto his knees looking at Linny who was still in shock, "C-charley" he whimpered. Charley wrapped his arms around Linny picking him up and walking him threw the hallway hoping that stupid goon would'nt come over, He saw the nail that was dug into Linny's calf before sitting down in the kitchen and grabbing Tweezers out of his belt pocket, "This is gunna sting a little okay?" Linny was too scared to say anything , tho just nodded in response  as he felt the nail rip out of his leg, he gasped a  tiny bit whimpering, Charley patted his head, "ssh-sh Its ok its ok" he said slightly panicking tho trying to keep it cool, he wrapped bandadges around Linny's leg, Linny looked up at him anxiously, "y-you alright" he said quietly,  It was one of the first times Charley has seen him so nervous, "y-ye just hanging in there buddy." Charley responded trying to process what had just happened, he looked down at Linny who began to snuggle into the side of his arm , he started to tear up a little unwillingly, "oh my god.." Charley started to crumble a little as now he realized How bad this Was getting , he arched his head down gently pressing his forehead to Linnys out of sympathy, "you're going to be okay.. I promise...i-i'll make sure of it.." he said starting to panic and sob, Linny stayed quiet looking up at him worried, "Same to you.." Linny responded quietly. Charley sniffed whiping his face and helping Linny up,"N-next time actually listen okay?" Charley said looking down at Linny, Linny smiled. "Okay" his voice was a little high pitched as he Had more feeling coming back into him , "I mean i did kind of ... yeah" Charley smiled , he patted Linny's head, "Pfft ya lil dork" He chuckled a little as the two smiled at eachother, "forget about me~" They bolth sprung around seeing one of peters goons with a hammer, Linny walked up to them with a poker faced expression whilst Charley stood back, "Linny wa-" Linny Kicked the goon in the Nuts full force, the goons face scrunched up as he fell backwards."Keep your shit away from Him you Bastards" He growled under his breathe at the goon who scrambled themselves up and booked it out the door, Charley stood in the backround with his Mouth gaping open, Linny turned around "So? whats for lunch" He said Cheerfully looking at Charley, Charley blinked, "p-pizza" Linny smiled before Laughing a little, Charley and him started laughing their asses off.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2020 ⏰

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