Ice cream date

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You are at work and you are running around trying to sort things out manager has giving you so many things to do. You have no idea where your boyfriends are but you can't be lovey dovey to them because no one knows only manager because anyone would tell reporters and that will e the end of BTS career. 

You are running through the corridor and you drop something you turn around to go get it but when you do you see Hoseok has picked it up. Hoseok grabs you "Hoseok no someone will see us" you giggle. He lets go of you "I know your busy now but after work why don't we go have ice cream" Hoseok says "it's a date" you say and smile. He smiles back you take what you dropped when you see someone who have turned the corner to see you two there "thank you J-hope" you say and walk away. Hoseok seemed confused but realised and walked away. 

Hours past and it is FINALLY time for your date with Hoseok you are so excited. You walk out side bit hit entertainment and House is waiting in front of of a car. He opens the door "Your carriage awaits"   You go into the car and Hoseok goes in the other side. He tells the driver where to go you and Hoseok just talk about what happened today. 

You both get ice cream Hoseok gets Vanilla and you get honey comb you both enjoy you ice cream and love each others company. 

At the end of your date you walk in a small park and it seems like it's just you two. "y/n" Hoseok  says and you look at him. He take you hand and holds them close. "yes?" "do you know the reason we chose you" Hoseok says and you shake your head "well it was because of me. Do you remember when I first met you I screamed at you" you laughing remembering that day " well the reason that happened is because your a beautiful women and I could figure out how to talk to you. but after a while my boyfriends fell in love with you and I am glad you are here I love you with all my heart you are perfect for us" Hoseok says you stare at him but you slam your lips on his and kiss very lovingly.

You finish you date and head home when you get home you see the rest of your boyfriends looking annoyed "why couldn't we get ice cream too" Jungkook pouts you and Hoseok just laugh.

You love you boyfriends dearly. 

Hope you enjoyed it happy birthday namjoon xx
Love Midnightanna xx 💜🇰🇷🏳️‍🌈

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