Chapter 34 : Avoidance

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*{Harry POV}*

I quickly opened my eyes, feeling as if I'd have the best sleep I've ever had.. It's strange. My eyes quickly snapped to a certain figure wrapping his muscular hands around my waist. Silently yet stealthily I turned around to see my boyfriend silently snoring with a content smile on his face. "Morning Lou." I giggled while brushing off a stray hair from his tousled chestnut fringe. He murmured some words sweetly as he snagged me in a bit more. I blushed while trying to get away from his strong-ass grip. "Stay Haz." he finally said in a low.. deep.. groggy voice. God, why does he do this to me? "Uh love.. I'd love to but.. " I untangled myself from him with caution. "I seriously need to wee."

His eyes snapped open and looked at me bleary eyed. "But Harry, it's only 10 am!" he moaned sexily. I rolled my eyes trying to keep a blush from forming in my cheeks. "Lou, I love you.. but I really need to go." I batted my eyelash with a small pout. He groaned while turning himself from the bed with a quick squeak. He said something else before I left, and I'm not sure if I heard it correct. I guess it went along like "That's not what you said last night.." My heart thumped faster and the thought dawned to me like a snap of a finger. What did happen last night?

Last time I recall was getting back from the hospital, and the next I was struggling to keep my eyes open.. and the rest well.. I drew to a blank.. CRASH! I snapped out of my thoughts as I quickly finished up my business and ran down the stairs. "What the hell?" I took out a bat from one of Olly's collection, which was surprisingly near a room where Louis claimed was the Panic Room and quickly made my way down the stairs. As I came closer and closer, I inspected the place and saw that nothing was touched or anything..

"Shit!" I heard someone swear.. Was that Zayn? My feet found myself in the kitchen only to see Zayn leaning over the floor with a dust pan and whispering cuss words to himself. "Zayn? Need help mate?" I offered making him freeze in the spot, and turn to me. "Ah, you heard it didn't you? I.. broke a plate.." he confessed while he indicated to the broken mess. "And no.. I was about to.. er.. finish up.." he shrugged almost too enthusiastically.. something was definitely wrong.

"Uh Zay--" "I'm back my lovely!~" Louis strolled in the room with a wink. When he noticed the mess, he eyed me curiously, and I set my eyes to Zayn back to Louis. He eyed me questioningly, and I shrugged. "Anyways, I think Liam needed help setting the bags, why don't you help them out Haz?" Louis smiled but he clearly was looking at Zayn. I was about to protest, but Liam called out just in time asking for assistance. Great.. I don't even get to know what happened.. great.. just great.

*~Liam POV~*

-Before they arrived-

"Nialler, you know it's not your fault.. neither it is Zayn's.. you should understand that.." I gave his knee a gentle squeeze and his eyes snapped to me with unclear emotions in his eyes. If I can see correctly, his eyes showed regret, sadness, and pain... there was something else, but I couldn't tell what it was. "No it is Li.. It is completely my fault.. and I acted like a piece of shit in front of him.. if you were there you can tell in an instant that he was hurting!" I frowned and gripped on the steering wheel as I pulled up to the garage doors.

"Well you can't avoid him forever." I simply shrugged. He chewed on his nails while nodding without a word. Man, this might be a looong daaayy!


After receiving Lou's quick text, I quickly called out to Harry so that they can have their private time while we prepare for today's meals. The curly headed boy arrived looking slightly interested in where Louis and Zayn were for a second, then refocusing his gaze on me. "Hey Li!" he beamed while picking up at least 3 of the baggage in one hand and another three at the other. He whistled slightly not even noticing Nialler's presence since he was in such deep thought, he barely even payed attention to his surroundings.. I swear he almost kissed a wall! In all honesty I could've laughed.. but my concern was all on the Irish boy who was staring out into the horizon with such a blank gaze. Oh Niall..

"Ni, we have to go in." I nudged him slightly making him blink rapidly and landing his gaze on me. "Uh yeah.." he chewed on the inside of his cheek, while hesitantly going inside the door. His hand remained in the knob and gripped lightly on it. Then, with a few deep breaths, he twisted it slightly. The door opened with a creak and he sighed in relief while taking small steps inside.

He scanned the halls for a few moments, only to discover Zayn and Louis emerging from the kitchen with Louis' hand on Zayn's shoulder. The boy saw Niall blankly, then left in an instant without even looking back. Niall tensed, looking horrifically at where the Bradford boy headed. "Ni... he..." I tried explaining. Louis looked at the boy sympathetically while heading over to the kitchen to help out his curly boyfriend.

Niall played with the hem of is shirt; looking at it with such interest. "Oh yeah.. the groceries.." he murmured as if he was about to tear up. Gently, he picked them up one by one, then joined he other two to help out with lunch. Or to eat.. it's really hard to tell.

-|Niall POV|-

I came to an abrupt stop as I heard the two talking small conversations to each other. I winced hearing my name, and thought that I should listen in for a while.

*{Harry POV}*

"C'mon Lou.."I pleaded. "Why can't you just tell me?" He smirked while taking out the vegetables from their plastic bags. "Cause I promised a little Bradford Bad Boy my silence Haz..." he rolled his eyes nonchalantly while trying to ignore my little banter. "Pleasee! Louuu!" I whined while en-snaking my hands around his waist. I felt shivers form from his arm, and I couldn't help but feel overjoyed that I had that effect on a person.. It's nice.

I nipped a little on his earlobe hearing his breath hitch ever-so-slightly, and his heart pounding loudly against my chest. "H-Harry.. s-stop!" he tried protesting. A tiny moan escaped from his throat as he tried re-focusing on what he was doing earlier, and totally failing because he somehow fumbled through every item, and not even managed to put any one of them in the appropriate compartment.

After fiddling with his chest and such, he gave a huge sigh while finally facing me with such a beautiful ... gorgeous.. ethereal expression on his face. His face was flushed in a deep red, his eyes glew more prominent into a bright jade/bluish cerulean colour, and his hair was a bit of a mess cause I felt like tangling his soft fringe.. Yep, only I can do such things to him..

He is simply mesmerizing.. I felt a bit entranced at the moment that I almost forgot about my little question. He pecked my lips for a second, while pushing the back of my head to lean in to hear. "Shh.. not now.. Niall's here.." he softly murmured with a wink. I was a bit confused, cause I couldn't see Niall at the moment.. but if he says so, then I think I can wait...

-|Niall POV|-

They simply stopped talking in an instant. As much as I wanted to hear it, I'm pretty sure Louis knew I was there.. How stupid of me to try to even sneak in... I entered in with a feigned smile glued to my face.. "Niall, you okay mate?" Louis tilted his head curiously while tightening his grip on Harry's waist. I shook my head with a tiny whimper escaping my lips. Without warning, the two released each other and took me in for a group hug. "W-what are you guys d-doing?" I feeling my lips quiver. "It's alright Niall, feel free to do it now." Harry murmured. "Huh?" I asked dumbly. "He means you're free to cry." Louis simply added, and that's when I broke.


So yeah.. It's been a while since I've did an update.. It felt like years instead of days to be honest.. I'm just saying guys, some updates may be delayed in the future considering my busy schedule.. so yeah.. and I'm about to upload a new chapter of OT (One Touch) Check it out!! ;)

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