Chapter 19

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3rde POV

A large army was waiting outside of the dragonoid city. In front of them, their gods were standing. Every god walked to their people and motivated them. Only Demiris walked there slowly and did something else.

Demiris: Deminuham warriors. I ask You to stay here and protect the women, children and the elderly. You are the ones who have suffered for the longest and the one who deserves some rest. That is why You are going to protect the city.

Don stepped closer to the god.

Don: As you wish.

Don bowled and thus the demihumans returned to the city. Demiris looked angry but was calm.

Every god waled away from their people and they rosed their hands.

Liligorna: Teleport.

Suddenly they vanished and reappeared near the city of Demblore.

Gods: Rise your flags.

Four flags have risen. The vampires' flag was grey with a drop. The drop was red like blood. The dragonoids' flag was blue with a white dragon head on it. The werewolves' flag was red with a black axe and claw. And the magicalbeastonoids' flag was black with a green triangle and in it a white eye.

Gods: Forward.

The army started moving. Soon the Gods stopped.

Liligorna: I assume we have arrived.

Soon everyone heard thousands of footsteps and metallic sounds. In the distance, a dozen flags appeared. The flags were red with a circle in the centre and in the white centre a strange symbol was.

 The flags were red with a circle in the centre and in the white centre a strange symbol was

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Soon the soldiers of the enemy got closer and in about half a kilometre stopped.

Gík: This is not good.

Wolfy: What?

Gík: They outnumber our forces.

Srako: You forgot that we are here to fight as well.

Gík: As long as one of their stronger soldier don't come. Because we can only hope they did not occupy the last part yet.

???: You are late.

The gods looked at the army and between the two armies about halfway, a man was standing. The man was wearing only two leaves as cloth. One on the front and one on the back.

Liligorna: Adam...

Adam: It's nice to meet you. I hope I am not disturbing.

Demiris: Well actually you are already annoying me so could you leave?

Adam: Oh how kind of you, but I must politely refuse your request. I have a business to take care of now that a worm has been taken care of.

Liligorna: So you managed to eliminate Gob. As I look at you it was harder then you wanted it to be, yes?

Adam: Oh your so kind to worry about my well being instead of worrying about yourselves.

Gík: Why would we be concerned about our lives? You are one but we are five.

Adam: I have to correct you there. You are five but five nothing will fight against me.

Wofy: Don't get so cocky.

Adam: Hah. it seems you don't want to fight so I will leave... for now.

He walked away then disappeared in the distance.

Liligorna: If they truly conquered all nine parts then we have no time to waste.

Gík: In the worst-case scenario we have about five to four days till they gain their extra power.

While they were chatting another large army of humans appeared. The gods looked at the large enemy forces and looked at their soldiers.

Liligorna: CHARGE.

The gods with their army rushed at the human army. Demiris spun his two-bladed armament and threw at the enemy army. It cleaved many people down and as Demiris extended his arm the weapon flew back to his palm.

Liligorna: Blooded restriction.

The blood around the enemy forces started bubbling then thread-like objects rosed from the blood and it pierced hundreds of man. As the thread pierced them they exploded and from the blood human-like beings emerged but they were made out of the blood. The blood humans started slaughtering the humans and as one human died a new blood human was created. Soon most of the humans have died and turned into blood human.

???: It seems you killed my puppets rather quickly, did you not? Liligorna.

Liligorna: Adam! leave the formality. We all know how savage you are. we don't need to hear your act.

Adam: Hahahaha... as you wish. You will die soon don't worry.

Liligorna: Everyone retreat NOW!

Soldier: But we...

Liligorna: Retreat NOW!!!

The soldiers nodded and rushed back to the gate.

Adam: I don't understand why you are protecting mere mortals. They are nothing.

Gík: A mere mortal gave you a fucking headache.

Adam: You are right but you are annoying so you will follow him to the other world.

Liligorna: You wish.

Adam: Creat greater armament.

He extended his arm to the blood people and opened his palm. Both the humans and the blood humans turned into particles and a katana materialised in his opened palm. It was red as blood.

Wofy: You are truly a shameless monster Adam. Using your own people as a weapon.

Adam: Hahahaha. I said I don't care about mortals. I am beyond their limitation thus I do as I want with them.

Srako: You destroyed thousands of souls just to get a weapon which you will have broken by the end of our battle. But you will die with your soldiers.

Adam: Do you know how many parts we have and what that means?

Srako: The power boost mustn't have been granted to you since the pars haven't been occupied for long enough.

Adam: I am not talking about that boost.

Srako: than WHAT are you talking about?

Adam: Do you know the boosts given to the subject of the empire right? I am a subject of the empire. that means my multiplier is 64. While the gods' multiplier is only 16. I could kill you all easily.

Srako: That is impossible

Adam: Wanna bet?

Liligorna: Let's say you do have that booster. We are still five and you are alone.

Adam: We will find out.

Adam dashed at the other gods.

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