Draco's Room

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"To my room," answered Draco and he saw his mother shift at his words.

He had answered without really thinking. 

A part of him had planned on depositing Hermione in one of the many guest bedrooms in the Manor, but how could he look out for her any better in one of those rooms than in the cellar? True she would be more comfortable-that didn't mean it would be safer.

At least if she were in his room he could keep an eye on her and when he wasn't around...well most people would know better than to go trespassing in a Malfoy's private quarters.

"Draco," Narcissa touched his arm. "Be careful...this binding...don't let it cloud what she is. She is not your equal."

Your mother disowned her own sister for marrying a Mudblood. How do you think she would feel, you risking everything for the one in your arms? He mentally shook his head trying to send the thought away.

Draco inhaled slowly. His mother might love him, but she would never understand how talented and capable the witch in his arms really was. She would never accept her. Never.

Do you hear yourself? Draco asked.

"I know," answered Draco.

"Good," Narcissa straightened her shoulders rolling them back. An air of dignity curled itself around her like a mink scarf. "I'll take care of Greyback. He isn't welcome here without the Dark Lord present as well." She stepped back. "This may be where the Dark Lord has chosen to set up shop, but this is still my house." With that she turned heel and walked away.

Draco felt Granger stir in his arms and looked down at her face. She looked up at him eyes big and brown and unfocused, one pupil was distinctly larger than the other.

She has a concussion, he noted.

"It's okay Granger," he said softly, his arms inadvertently tightening around her as he made his way up the stairs. "I've got you."

She blinked up at him once, twice and then closed her eyes once more.

Draco hesitated at the threshold to his room.

He didn't take women into his room often. Most of his conquests took place at school. Few were worthy of being brought back home, either by his standards or those of his parents.

He breathed deep and then walked inside closing and locking the door behind him.

The silence of the room enveloped him. Draco took her over to the bed and lay her down gently on top of the covers. Her hair spilled out beneath her, a wild tangled mess.

Pulling out his wand Draco murmured the words a healing spell. The light from his wand was tinged a beautiful silver. He watched it as it caressed Hermione's skin and settled around her face. The tension eased from her brow almost immediately.

He relaxed slightly as she did and that's when he realized her shirt was torn.

A part of him had noticed before, but with the chaos of everything going on in the cellar he had put it out of his mind. Now that she was laying there in his bed he became acutely aware of it.

For a moment he couldn't tear his eyes away from the simple turquoise bra. Functional and satin look, it was subtly sexy. Her chest rose and fell with her breathing and his eyes were drawn to the curve of her perfect breast.

You perv.

Draco swallowed and looked away. His body responded involuntarily and he cursed himself for it and lifted over the blanket covering her from view.

Draco sat next to her for a moment afraid to touch her, even covered.

She looked a little like a fallen angel: dirty and ragged and...beautiful.

If you are an Angel are you here to save me or damn me?

Draco lay down next to her; the sheer exhaustion from the day finally taking hold of him.

He watched her breathing, slow and even for a moment.

She'll be fine, he told himself.

His eyes grew heavy and soon sleep swept him away.

A few hours later Draco woke to the knock at his door, lifting his head away from the pillow.

"Draco," his mother's voice called. "Dinner."

He looked at the sleeping witch next to him. Her features had softened in sleep.

He debated waking her. He couldn't have her wandering around his room snooping through things. He couldn't risk her escape, as much as a part of him wanted to just leave her to her own devices. He wasn't about to take her back down to the cellar-regardless of whether Greyback was gone or not he didn't want to walk down there... Didn't want to remember what he had seen and what could have happened.

Draco rolled out of the bed and reached for his wand.

Granger stirred at the movement of the bed. A frown appeared on her face.

Draco reached out and traced the crease of tension forming in her brow as she seemed to be fighting to return to consciousness.

"Shhhh," he whispered and stroked her hair. "You're safe here."

For the moment at least.

"Harry..." she murmured her friend's names and Draco drew his hand back as if burned. "Ron?"

Draco ground his teeth together and pulled out his wand.

Of course she would call out for them...

He cast a sleep spell leaving without waiting to see if it worked.

Before the spell took hold and softly enough that Draco did not hear it, Hermione breathed out one more name before succumbing to the blackness:



Anyone like that ending?
I sure hope so.
If you did let me know. 
A little love goes a long way and sure does make my day ;)

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