Chapter 29: The Perfect fit

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Ok but to my VPD and TO people who's your favourite character.

Me: KLAUS!!!

And Elijah but I'll never forgive him for unforeseen circumstances.


Dominico's POV:

How many damn Eloisa Verna's are there in this world?
Apparently a whole fucking lot!

I have turned cities upside down just to figure out what that name is and I keep coming up empty handed.
I'm starting to think that this person doesn't even exist.
Well they don't, anymore at least.

"So you have nothing on this Eloisa Verna person?" I shout aggressively to my men.

Cautiously they jump back in fear, I mean who could blame them? If they don't get their damn jobs done I will happily shoot them in their fucking heads without hesitation.

"What about the name Katherine Ezra?" I question remembering the name Sienna's mother goes by.

There has to be some dirt on that. Right?
There is no way that her identity can disappear from the face of the earth.
After all, you can't hide from the Mafia.

"Nothing out of the ordinary sir." One fearful specimen says handing me a tablet, his hand shaking vigorously. He eyes for me to look at the screen.

I study the words on the screen for a few minutes.

From what I can gather, her description portrays her as a boring person, who works a nine to five office job and is far from a social butterfly.
I knows that was all lies which led me to believe there was a bigger picture that we had been closed out from.

I come across her picture, it makes my heart tweak slightly as I see distinct similarities between her and Sienna.

They share brunette hair and glowing hazel eyes, a defined nose as well as perfectly shaped lips. It's as if they are identical.

Anger rummaging in my blood I throw the tablet shattering it into pieces. We are supposed to be the strongest Mafia in the world yet they cannot simply find out who one middle-aged women is?

"Get the fuck out." I warn them as they make their way out of my office petrified.
More of what Stefano would do to them rather than me.

I toss the stupid fucking tablet to the floor shattering its glass screen. Anger rummages through my body.
We need new workers, these peasants are shit at their job.

My hands are beat up and bloody by the end of it but I pay them no mind.
It's not an abnormal reaction for me to get angry.
I bury my head in my hands attempting to find my next steps.

Sienna's POV:

I had my legs spread out across my balcony, taking in the sun that harshly shone into my skin.

I was listening to the commotion downstairs, I had the perfect view of everyone hanging out in the pool.

"Come down." Adriano shouts out to me.
I give him a smile, kindly declining his offer, I was enjoying myself up here.
I liked the peace and the vitamin D that Talliah has been lecturing me about.

Unusually, I find myself flicking through my photo album that I had recently got back from my old apartment.
I didn't think I would be able to even pick it up but then here I am.

There weren't much memories, most pictures were taken on casual days, I guess I just filled up a photo album to help me feel normal. None of these were anything special.

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