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LORELEI HAD NEVER FOUGHT WITH SO MUCH ANGER AND HATRED BEFORE. This seemed the be fueling her spells, aiming to stun or petrify instead of killing by Dumbledore's orders. Lorelei and Sirius fought back to back, then, Remus would swap with Sirius. It was like the trio was made to duel together. Lorelei could see Tonks fighting Bellatrix, losing as it looked. She grunted, rolling out of the way of a spell before standing tall next to Tonks.

Kingsley was fighting two Death Eaters at once, Moody was flicking his wand like he was flicking away flies, and Lorelei and Tonks were fighting with all their might at Bellatrix. The evil witch snarled, "I am sickened that we're even related, Nymphadora, Lorelei. Both of you were mistakes to our pureblood race! I'll kill you!"

"Good luck!" Lorelei shouted, confidence oozing out of her, from where? She wasn't sure. She twirled her wand like she was conducting an orchestra, not even muttering a single word. Nonverbal spells had never been a strong suit of hers, but here she was fighting using only those spells.

Turning, she saw a Death Eater almost choking Harry. Snarling at the man, she allowed herself to transform into her beast, shouting out the stunning spell with such malice, even Bellatrix's eyes widened at the sight.

Lorelei saw Moody fall, head bleeding out as Dolohov, his attacker, approached Harry and Neville. Out of nowhere, she saw Sirius attack Dolohov by ramming his shoulder, and then Lorelei felt a spell hit her head causing her to fall over. Blood was pooling out of the large gash on her forehead, but she only turned to glare at the man who attacked her. She did not know him, but he was smirking evilly at her. Sending another spell at her, she felt it hit her lower abdomen. Grunting out in pain, she yelled the petrifying spell and took a breath before standing up again. She couldn't allow herself to get distracted.

"Lorelei!" Sirius shouted, and she saw him motion her over. She heard a yell and saw a bright light. Turning, she could see Tonks fall over as Bellatrix grinned evilly. Gulping, she hoped Tonks was all right. Moving quickly to Sirius, she heard him telling Harry to leave. "Go! Lorelei, take Harry and find the others!"

Sirius took off, now going to fight Bellatrix.

Lorelei helped Harry stand up with Neville. Neville could barely move. When Lucius Malfoy came back over to them to duel, Lorelei stood protectively in front of the two boys. "Get out of the way, Black. Don't make me move you myself."

"I'd like to see you try, you ugly prat!" Lorelei shouted, sending a spell at him to make him fall over down the stairs. Lorelei could hear a crash loud and clear behind her, and she saw the dust and smoke from the now broken prophecy; she could hear Neville apologizing profusely. It didn't matter. Nothing mattered except getting them out and safe. Lorelei vowed to protect Harry, and she had to do it now.

Then, Dumbledore appeared. Lorelei had only noticed when Neville screamed out. Lorelei ran over to Sirius, who was still fighting Bellatrix. Dumbledore was taking care of the stray Death Eaters, and she knew Harry'd be safe when Dumbledore was around. She grinned as she and Sirius were in perfect sync with their spells. Bellatrix was fuming, and Sirius was laughing.

Laughing, he said, "Come on! You can do better than that!" Lorelei had just shot a spell at the witch when Bellatrix did her worst. A bright jet of green light shot out of her wand, and before Lorelei could even process what had happened, Sirius stopped laughing. The ghost of a smile was still on his face, but his eyes were wide in shock.

Lorelei's eyes widened only in disbelief as it seemed as the world slowed down. He fell slowly, almost painfully into the archway where he disappeared like a ghost. The veil fluttered with the new life it just consumed. She thought Sirius would reappear on the other side, but he never did. Why would he?

It seemed as if the more someone cared, the more pain the world seemed to bring... Lorelei needed Sirius Black more than anyone. Finding out he was her uncle was one of the happiest moments in her life. Finding out the memories Amatheia never shared about James, Lily, Remus, and Sirius when she was just a baby were the memories she clung to; Sirius Black had told her all of them. He showed her pictures and danced away the nights when Lorelei felt like the world was crumbling. Sirius Black was one of the most important men in her life, and she was supposed to accept that she'd never see him laugh or smile or tell her that everything would be all right in the end? He promised they'd be a family. And for what? For a woman who is related to both tears the promise to shreds by a simple curse?

Lorelei could vaguely hear Bellatrix screaming out in triumph. Lorelei could hear Harry bellow in anger and sorrow. Lorelei could hear Remus yelling at Harry to calm down and that there was nothing they could do. Lorelei could see Bellatrix raising her wand again. Lorelei felt a body push her onto the ground as another jet of green light flew right where she was from the same wand that had just killed Sirius. She could hear and see everything, but there were no thoughts. There was only a numbing pain that was felt throughout her entire body.

She felt the body get off of her, she noticed the eyes of Neville as he quickly rolled off of her, and she could vaguely see Kinglsey shot down by Bellatrix as the witch soon took off with Harry following her despite Remus's protests. Nothing seemed to process even though she was watching everything with her very eyes. She only laid there, seeing Sirius's dead eyes in her mind, a terrified expression masked on his face.

And she just stood there. She stood there, and she let him take that curse. She should have pushed him out of the way. She should have taken it. She should be dead, not Sirius. Sirius didn't deserve it. Remus didn't deserve that. Sirius had been locked up for twelve years. He was not even free yet. Remus just saw his last friend from growing up die. He just witnessed the death of the last Marauder beside himself. And what was Lorelei doing? Feeling nothing and everything at the same time.

She could vaguely hear Dumbledore shout something to Remus as he looked over at Lorelei and then the archway again. Remus rushed forward then, kneeling next to Lorelei who was still staring at the archway as if Sirius would reappear any minute.

"Get her out of here, Remus!" Kingsley shouted, standing and grimacing with pain. He was moving toward Moody and Tonks when Remus suddenly blocked her view.

"Come on, Lorelei, we're going to go home--" Remus started, but she cut him off.

"Home? I have no home, Remus," she whispered.

That was the last thing Lorelei had said as Remus glanced at her with a pained expression and held her in his arms.


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