Guess what? I've been tagged

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I was tagged by AzzaBynes, so I guess I have to do this thing now.

Mention who tagged you

Ten things about yourself

Tag 28 others (I don't know that many people IRL, so idk how I'm gonna do that one)

Spoiler for one story

Put these rules in

Get it done in three days

Let's get started.

1. I don't eat fruit. Y'all can fight me.

2. I like picking at stuff like dried drips in paint.

3. I don't like pasta.

4. I am a fan of the final fantasy series.

5. Unlike many other young people, I absolutely love reading books.

6. Cinda Williams Chima is (probably) my favorite author.

7. I despise social situations. I have mild social anxiety, in fact.

8. Despite 7, I somehow managed to be the Dungeon Master in my D&D group.

9. Despite rarely studying, I get relatively high marks in my classes.

10. I don't really like travelling. I've only been to two countries in my life.


(I think that's everyone I'm following that hasn't done this or something similar yet(?))

Claire and Adrion are going to show up. That's all you're getting out of me for this.

I have no clue if I did this correctly.

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