•The party•

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"Hey Zim, you wanna come over today? I finally cleaned my room and I got a new copy of cryptid monthly."
Dib offered nervously at passing period. Zim bit his lip.
"I'll have to think about it Dib."
"I- yeah that's cool... no pressure or anything."
Dib tried to not look at Zim too much, if he looked at the boy's face, his eyes were glued to bitten pink lips. But if he looked at Zim from afar, eyes shot to his plump rear and thighs.
Get your head out of the gutter Dib.
He scolded himself, Zim was his best friend, he didn't deserve to be sexualized by Dib.
Dib was yanked from his thoughts by Gretchen bumping into him.
"Dib! There you are! I'm throwing a party on Friday night. Are you gonna come?"
She fluttered her lashes at him seductively.
"Uh, sure."
Gretchen squealed happily and pecked his cheek quickly before scampering off. Dib blinked back and looked at Zim.
"So, you gonna go?"

Zim took a breath as he stood in front of the mirror in the bathroom, it was late at night, and his mother already was asleep so he didn't have to worry. He went downstairs and put on his shoes before grabbing his keys and leaving the house to go to Gretchen's party. He could hear the booming base from a block away, he adjusted his sweater and walked to the front door.
He was immediately overwhelmed by the strong scent of liquor that burned his nostrils. Zim stepped in nervously and looked around the crowded colorfully lit house. He wasn't much of a party person, but he might as well join the fun.
A quick walk to the snack and drink table and Zim had some chips and glass of fruity liquor. The alcohol burned his throat, but the sweet taste made up for it. He immediately felt a little woozy and went to sit somewhere.
The boy looked up to see Skoodge, his cousin.
Zim grinned and opened his arms for a nice hug.
"How are you? I haven't seen you in forever!"
Skoodge chuckled,
"Sorry Cuz, I've been busy at school, besides, we live like three towns away."
"Yeah, I haven't been able to call you..."
Skoodge went wide eyed and pulled out his phone,
"Shit- I got a new phone, here, I'll put in my number."
Zim handed Skoodge his phone and the boy typed in his new number. Skoodge, like Zim, was on the thicc side, also having an adorable cuddly chub to him. The wide hips were an Ira family trait. A girl from Zim's school walked up to them and squeezed Skoodge's bottom, making the boy squeak.
"Yo, what the fuck! Hands off my cousin!"
Zim hissed,
"No Zim, it's okay, this is my girlfriend, Avi, she's why I'm here."
Skoodge said to defuse the situation. Zim calmed slightly and looked at the two, of which Avi was kissing Skoodge's cheek with a smile.
"So, who's this?"
She asked,
"Oh, this is my cousin Zim, you guys go to school together."
"Really now? Aren't you the one that hangs out with the Membrane kid?"
Zim blushed at the mention of Dib.
"Uh, yeah... we go way back."
"Must be cool to know a famous kid, you ever met the professor?"
Avi asked,.
"Uh, yeah, he's really nice and hospitable."
Zim scratched the back of his head, feeling awkward,
"Well I'm gonna head out, see you later."
Zim walked away from the couple and downed the rest of his drink, getting a new one as he started to look for Dib.

Dib frowned as Gretchen dragged him around like a toy, he just wanted to find Zim.
"Ooh, Who wants to play a game upstairs?"
Gretchen announced loudly, a group of people including Zim gathered by Gretchen and went upstairs. Dib finally got out of Gretchen's grasp and looked at Zim. The pale boy looked stunning under the lights, even though all he wore was a cute sweater and some tight black leggings that clung to his hips. God those hips, Dib felt himself get hard as he barely looked at them.  This would be a complicated game.

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