Part 42: Life Changing.

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Day 25


"Get up sweetheart" his voice ringed through her ears followed by his breathe on her nape. When her subconscious woke up, she felt his lips brushing against her neck. A ticklish sensations ran through her making her smile. She pulled her hand out of the covers and cupped his chin trying to push him off her.

"Get up" he pestered her more still nuzzling her soft skin and simultaneously exploring her curves underneath. When his palm cupped her breast over, she gasped.

"What's the rush?" She groaned in sleepy tone.

"No rush" he confirmed "then let me sleep" she pushed him a bit by her shoulders and covered her self up her head. His palm still lingered on her torso teasing her more but after a few seconds She heard his chuckle and felt him getting up.

"I will be busy till the eve" he informed to which she just hummed in a reply, slumber hitting her back her eyes dropped.

"See you later babe" he peeked through her covers and found her fast asleep again. A sigh escaped his lips to see her sleeping with such abundance and innocence that he had no heart to leave her, but he had to. Kissing her forehead followed by her luscious lips, he moved out of her room to get fresh.

After a while, she heard the house going loud with people working around. Her slumber broke and giving up on chasing it back, she stretched her arms and got up.

Her eyes involuntarily moved to her side to find him but then she recalled the faint exchange of theirs an hour back.

Better she gets going, she decided and went in to freshen up.

The luke warm shower hit her in with the energy to actually assess in what the day meant for him, for them. It was the day when their so what contract would pay off, she realised.

Their contract, she stood remote under the shower when the reality striked her back. She was his contract girlfriend, wasn't she? But they came a long way, she shook her head. She knew in her heart that this contract was just a reason for him to know her, she smiled. He even almost confessed that he has seen her before all this and was going to ask her out.

Maybe his approach was wrong but she couldn't have found him herself, she sighed. Karan Khanna is way out of her league and just the thought of him having interest in her, always flutters her heart.

Still her mind was unsure about what after the contract scene will be for them but one thing she was assured of is, she will somehow be a part of his life, if not life partner. A rueful smile kissed her lips.

Friends with benefit, she chuckled at how he pushed her to accept his demands, her desires. How she easily mended into his world and now, his world is what seemed like her reality.

A star studded life, filled with fame, glory, luxury and no worries, she smiled. For sure she is living a dream, a far fetched dream for her.

Will she be permanent in his life? The question slipped through her optimism and it stuck into her mind.

Maybe, she can make her impact powerful enough for him to not look for alternatives, if he is even searching for any, she chuckled. Her thoughts are going absurd when she thought of seducing him and make him speak the answers she wants. She can do it actually, she blushed.

Changing into one of his shirts she snatched the other night, she slipped back into her pajama and started drying her hair sitting on the stool.

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