Chapter 45

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Somehow,  it feels off.

It felt particularly wrong.



Because the owner of that clutch bag was actually Mrs. Lomiere!!

How did I know?

"Thank you so much for your help,  the Madam of Lomiere House will surely return your favor"

The man in suite said!



Why am I so flustered?

It's because that event should take place 2 years later and the one who will chase the theif will be the FL riding her motorbike! And that would be the beginning of Nikki-sama and Lomiere-sama's love to bloom.

But what the heck was that?!


This progress isn't right at all!

And so in order to not be known by Mrs.  Lomiere,  I took the the board with me and left the theif on that drivers hand. 

"Please,  pay for the board! No need to thank me bye! "

I hurrieldy asked the guy in suit and he confusedly nodded his head. 

My gaze landed on the 3 idiots and signaled them to ran with me before Mrs. Lomiere arrived.

They asked me why though and I only told them my stomach was upset that I had to take a dump.



The summer class was finally over and the beginning of school year is near~

And we're back again with the cautious lifeeeeee!


Can I have a longer break?


So I'll be on the 2nd grade this class opening, just 2 years left until I finally move up to high school which means,  2 years left and the novel will start. 

I don't know what to feel about it since I believe I had not done anything that triggered Lomiere-sama's hate,  right?


Just a little more Bettina!

You can do this!

At the dinning table with Okaasama and Otousama,  with Brent-chan beside Okaasama,  we were having our dinner as usual.

"My~ speaking of.  I hear the news of Mrs. Lomiere"

I was eating my food and paid no heed to whatever Okaasama says since it doesn't concern me.  Most of the talks between Okaasama and Otousama are about business, social events and such.

"Hmm?  What is it? "

Otousama asked wiping his mouth with white cloth gracefully. Okaasama put her fork and knife down.

"I heard Mrs. Lomiere's clutch was snatched,  fortunately a group of young ones chased after the theift"

Σ (゚Д゚;)

"Kuuuu!!!  Ku ku ku~"

Surprised by Okaasama's topic, I got choked and coughed continuously.  The maid handed me a glass of water which I took and immediately gulped down.

"Ara? Whatever happens,  Betti-chan? "

Okaasama asked worriedly. I smiled awkwardly and slowly shook my head left and right.

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