11. Of course you did - Eric's POV

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After that heated encounter with the Amity council members, Four and I took Iris back to the Pit.

No one talked to me, as per usual, which allowed unwanted thoughts to plague my mind. I thought back to Iris schooling these two men and how authority and confidence radiated off her. I wondered why all of this responsibility had been dumped on her shoulders at such a young age, thinking back to when I accepted my leadership position and how emotionally draining it was. Maybe that's why she always looks like she expects something bad to happen. Because she's used to being the one called to fix it, always required to be aware and calculating others so that she's never caught off guard. I know that feeling all too well. Maybe that's why she's uncharacteristically cold for an Amity.

But then, I think back to how she talked about the people in Amity. She might be cold and sarcastic by default, but she cares about people. Fiercely. She chose that man to lead the Amity council because she wanted to ensure that people are safe and protected. Especially now that she's not there to do it herself.

After today, I understood why the words that man spoke to her on Visiting Day affected her so much when I said them. She felt crushing guilt about leaving Amity and choosing herself over her family and her people and that's exactly what that man took advantage of. The feeling that she betrayed the ones she cares about, to embark on a journey with no clear destination. I'll be the last person to openly admit it, but she's strong in the physical challenges and smart with weapons. The ranking proves that all too well. But honestly, there's no guarantee that if an initiate does well in stage one, they'll continue to do so in stage two.

Nevertheless, she's skilled. And she damn well knows it. I mean seriously, throwing a knife at your instructor? I know I was playing with her insecurities or whatever, but she's still infuriating. If it were any other girl throwing that knife though, it would have been a big turn on. But not with Iris, definitely not.

Then why can't you stop thinking about her, you idiot?

A voice in my head said. The same voice that had tried to get me to stop saying those things to her back at the training pit during knife practice.

I was so consumed by my thought that I completely forgot I was supposed to get some papers that I left back in the training room. I walked to the room, trying to clear my head. But as luck would have it, the girl that I could definitely stop thinking about if I tired, was there. Shit, I forgot I made her clean up after practice this week.

I shook my head to get rid of any lingering thoughts and walked in, directing a curt nod her way. She nodded back in acknowledgment. So far so good.

I walked over to one of the tables, trying to ignore the fact she was polishing the knives. Damn, I must have a thing for knives.

I collected the missing papers and was about to leave when I caught her demeanor stiffening. A second later, her shoulders fell and she whispered something that faintly sounded like "Why did I have to grow up in Amity?"

She then cleared her throat and turned towards me, her light brown eyes looking unwaveringly at me.

"I'm sorry about the knife thing" she said hesitantly. "It was out of line".

I was taken aback and for a moment all I could do was nod curtly. I seriously didn't expect that from her, especially given the things I said. She didn't look like a person who would hold a grudge but also not like someone who would easily forget something. The look in her eyes though, told me she hadn't forgotten, but was trying to put it behind her. I respect that.

"Don't apologize" I start saying and then realize I'm about to sound really soft or something. "I kinda liked it" I decided to go with a joke to lighten the mood, not willing to admit just how much she affected me.

"Of course you did" she lets out a surprised laugh and lowers her head to hide her smile, but I catch a glimpse of it. It's not her practiced Amity smile; it looks genuine and I think I prefer that.

Oh so you like her smile, don't you?

I never said I like it, I just expressed a preference; I silence the voice in my head.

Annoyed at the sudden intrusive thought, I turn to leave after nodding once more.

Right before I exit the room, I turn to look at her.

"Iris?" I say, immeadiately regretting that I used her actual name, when her head shoots up in surprise.

"Yes?" she says, confusion evident in her tone.

"You missed a spot" I say, smirking and pointing at spot on the floor that was stained with dirt from my boots.

She rolls her eyes, annoyed and says something under her breath. My ears must be extra sensitive today because I hear it.

"Bite me" she scoffs.

I walk out of the room, laughing lightly.

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