chapter seventeen

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smut warning

After trodding back to my dorm room feeling sorry for myself, I filled in Tracey on what had happened, and she comforted me and reassured me that he was being reasonable.

It was a Sunday and I was growing more and more impatient for Monday night to roll around. I'd spent most of the day in the Slytherin common room, getting myself worked up every time I saw Pansy all over Draco. I shouldn't feel this way anymore, Cormac and I had almost been together for an entire year and I was still getting upset every time I was near Draco.

I was leaning my head on Tracey's shoulder as I glared at Pansy sat on Draco's lap, whispering into his hear.

"You couldn't be more obvious." Tracey pointed out as I jumped out of my thoughts.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I mumbled, crossing my arms.

"You've been staring down Pansy for the past 20 minutes." Tracey continued.

"So? She's just annoying." I shot back.

"Yeah, she is. She also just so happens to be with Draco." She chuckled. I groaned and put my head in my hands. I was so confused. I was dying to see Cormac and get this over with, and he did make me happy, but Draco sent emotions through my body that I'd never felt before.

Dinner soon rolled around and as I began walking towards the Gryffindor table but the closer, I got, the sooner I realized Hermione and Cormac were nowhere to be seen. I stopped at where Harry and Ron were sat but didn't sit down myself.

"Where's Cormac?" I asked in a monotone voice, attempting not to show my annoyance as he had ruled out plans with me yesterday as he said he needed to be here. They both shrugged their shoulders, not looking me in the eye. "Hermione?" I continued but all I received was another shrug. I glanced over at the Slytherin table and noticed Draco had been watching me. My cheeks flushed red in embarrassment, so I sat myself down next to Ron anyways. "You'd tell me if Cormac was cheating on me with Hermione, wouldn't you?" I spat out.

"God, Amelia sometimes I think you are half psychotic." Ron remarked whilst continuing to munch on a chicken leg.

"I can't believe you really think Hermione would do that, let alone us keep it from you." Harry added in annoyance.

"Then why are they both always missing? Actually, why are you all always missing?" I questioned further, plating up some food. Before they had a chance to respond, Fred and George sat down beside us. Fred next to me and George next to Harry across from us.

"What's got you looking so disturbed, Amelia?" George joked, piling food onto his plate.

"McLaggen broke your heart already?" Fred added before elbowing me in the ribs causing me to roll my eyes and elbow him back harder.

"I wouldn't be surprised, I heard he'd made his way through half the Ravenclaw girls by third year." George remarked.

"You're both idiots." I sighed before finally tucking into some food.

I walked with Harry and Ron to the quidditch pitch after dinner and continued to the changing room so I could question Cormac on where he'd been. Upon arrival I noticed Cormac and Hermione were already there waiting, Cormac already in his quidditch gear.

"Can I talk to you, Cormac." I said in a harsh tone as Ron gave him an awkward smile and continued passing him to the changing room. He nodded and walked back a bit with me to where we could talk privately. "Where've you been?"

"I just came earlier to practice on my own." Cormac mumbled.

"Then why is Hermione here? And why wasn't she at dinner either?" I continued slightly louder this time.

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