Chapter 55: Reconciliation

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When I stepped into the room where most of my friends were, I took a few breaths as all eyes were on in, and I made a difficult choice. I decided to come clean and be honest with everyone.

I took one last sharp breath in as I got ready to speak, everyone deathly silent as they were desperate to hear my story. From their perspective, they knew nothing other than I was with them one moment, and on TV the next, fighting the Six.

" I have made a severe and continuous lapse of judgement. It started small, but it grew exponentially, and I ended up doing somethings I shouldn't. " I began, as the three from the other room came in to listen as well.

" As more villains starting surfacing in the background, particularly ones that wanted to kill me, I grew more and more anxious. I'm an anxious person by nature, I'm overly paranoid, and I lack trust.

Then when they killed my father, I think that's when the seeds were sown in my mind. After that I started going down a dark path mentally, and the villainous thoughts in my mind grew.

Two nights ago, before Mina left, and we had that little gathering in the fields, when I went into the bushes, Shigaraki approached me. "

As I said that, Midoriya's eyes were locked with my own. Was he afraid? Angry? Disgusted? All of them? It was obvious what I was about to say, so it was probably all of them.

" He proposed that I work alongside the L-... The League... Of Villains... To take down the Six and serve true justice on them. They believed the heroes would simply apprehend them, if they weren't killed.

Honestly, I felt the same way. I allowed the thoughts to fester in my mind, and I accepted their proposition. Ironically, they didn't even show up when the Six raided the military base too, so it's was kinda pointless...

However, I did fight and defeat Dabi, so I guess that's kinda good to know... But the reason I'm telling you all this, is because you asked me to trust you and come to you with my problems... I didn't do that when I needed you most.

I didn't trust you, I was always needlessly paranoid, and I ended up trying to do everything on my own. And by following my own path, I ended up breaking the law... I walked alongside villains and fought without even having a hero license...

Not that I even deserve one at this point with all I've done... But I just... " I started tearing up. " I just wanted to apologise... For not accepting your help... You were all always there for me, reaching a hand out to me, and I just looked the other way...

I don't deserve such amazing friends, and I don't expect forgiveness, but I'm just here now to come clean and promise that it won't happen again! I'm going to better myself, not just by becoming stronger physically, but by learning to rely on my friends! "

Bakugou scoffed, " You're acting like you're as bad as the villains. If I had known what they were planning, if have gone in too and killed em all! "

" Well, maybe not kill... " Kirishima stepped in, chuckling nervously.

" Regardless, what I did was inexcusable. I broke the law, that's the bottom line. In fact, I may even have committed an act of treason by working with them... I'm an idiot, and I'll never be a good hero if this is the kinda stuff I'll resort to... " I said, dejected.

Mr Aizawa then put a hand on my shoulder. " You're right in saying what you did was stupid. It was reckless and irresponsible. But you're wrong in saying you'll never be a good hero. You're already an amazing hero. You went against the grain and threw yourself into a dangerous situation because you felt you could protect those closest to you.

Am I excusing you of what you did? No, if we were still at U.A. I'd have expelled you. Learn from this experience and grow. You did several stupid things, and I will remind you of it every day, I'm keeping a close eye on you from now on. But don't ever say you're not a good hero, because you have the heart of a true hero, and that is not debatable. "

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