♡︎-The Rise of Voltron Ch1 Pt6-♡︎

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Y/n- your name
L/n- last name
(E/c)- eye color
(H/c)- hair color

(This is going to be a little bit shorter than what I usually do.)


Second POV: You

You have heard from Princess Allura that Sendak had already arrived at Arus. You and the paladins all flew in your selected lions outside of the castle. You all were standing in front of the castle waiting for an order to attack.
You and the others noticed that the cannon from earlier had already been repaired and was charging to hit the force field that protected the castle.

The purple energy had shot the force field, it was blocked but made everything inside the force field shake. The castle was shaking, the lions were shaking, and everyone was trying to hold onto something in order to not get hurt or fall.

Once the shaking had stoped you were worried. You knew that the force field would not be able to take another hit like that, your team had to act fast, but how?

"Man, those Garla guys repair things fast," you heard Hunk commented.

"The barrier gets weaker with every blast," Coran warned, "Once the shield goes down the castle will be defenseless."

This isn't good.

"I can give you cover with the castle defenses for a while," Allura said, "but you have to form Voltron now or we'll all be destroyed!"

You didn't like the sound of that. Being destroyed? Killed? You didn't want to die yet. You still had so much to do.

"Jeez no pressure," Hunk said sarcastically.

The barrier was hit yet again with the cannon they had. If you had to take a guess, from the cracking electricity, the force field would not last long. Not as long as you would like.

You grunted as you try to stabilize your lion.

"Listen up, Team Voltron!" Shiro called out, "The only way to succeed is to give it all you got! This looks bad but we can do this! Are you with me?"

At the end of the inspirational speech you nodded thinking that everyone else did too because of the silence.

"I'm nodding. Is everyone else nodding?" Hunk asked innocently.

This made everyone deadpan while you giggled silently.

"Yes," everyone but you and Shiro said. The others could slightly hear your silently giggles, making them blush a bit.

"Let's do this!" Shiro shouted as he flew his lion forward. The other lions following.

"So, how exactly do we do this?" You asked as the lions ran into battle.

"Good question." Shiro said making you deadpan, "Does anyone have any ideas of how to form Voltron?"

"It would've been nice to have a plan before running into battle," you said unhappily.

"I don't see a 'combine into giant robot' button anywhere on my dashboard," Hunk said as the lions ran away from the energy shots.

Shots were being fired everywhere as the lions kept on dodging and running. Not the best way to fight in this situation but it's better than being dead.

The White Paladin || Voltron x Male reader || Discontinued ✘︎Where stories live. Discover now