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                                                        Tony POV

i walk away from Thomas in embarrassment, i don't know why he was acting different.

i find nikita siting alone on her phone, perfect, i can finally make a move.

"hey beautiful" i smirk down at her.

"oh hi tony, wanna make a tiktok with me" she smiles.

we plan what we are going to do for the tiktok, and she decides that she will throw it back on me, i agree but i'm a bit uncomfortable.

it takes several takes till we are satisfied, that's when Thomas walks in.

"seriously nikita why are you always flirting with tony, he doesn't even like you just get over it" Thomas is furious for some reason.

i get angry because why is he talking to nikita like this, she does not deserve it, also why is it any of his business who i'm interested in?

"shut the fuck up Thomas how dare you talk to me like that, and i know tony doesn't like me like that i'm just having fun!" nikita yells.

"you are just a slut flirting with every guy in the hype house" Thomas yells back.

at this point nikita is crying and I've had enough.

"why are you suddenly being so rude, you're just mad that everyone keeps calling you ugly on tiktok, and by the way i AM interested in her you're just being sexist and mean, now get lost!". i yell back at him am give him the middle finger.

Thomas clenches his fists really hard and punches a hole in the wall "whatever you might as well be a faggot so i don't care".

i am APALLED with the words that he chose to use towards me and nikita and so is everyone else in the hype house.

"don't you guys think you should be a little more grateful towards me, i mean i did make the hype house possible in the first place and are you forgetting who's paying the bills?" Thomas is on the verge of tears.

"yes with our money and clout tho". chase interrupts him. 

Thomas runs over to chase and tries to strangle him but alex stops him.

"Thomas your anger issues are showing, lets go somewhere else ok" alex calms him down leads him into a different room.

an awkward silence hangs in the air at first then everyone goes about their business 

nikita and i are in my room watching a movie when she suddenly asks me "did you really mean it like are you actually into me?"

"of course why wouldn't i be, you are gorgeous and i can vibe with you all the ti-", before i could even finish my sentence, nikita kisses me.

the kiss feels really normal not anything magical just alright.

All about him (Tony Lopez x Thomas Petrou)Where stories live. Discover now