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Arlo sat back in his seat. He was in the meeting room.

They were discussing whether to attack Vaequiles again in a few days or not.

There was something that seemed off about Gale today. He seemed distracted by something.

Almost... sad.

"Okay, so, we're attacking a Vaequilian village in two days, right?" Alice asked.

"Yes, we'll be attacking the village 'Vicility', The one close to the border." Gale responded, "Everyone understand?"

Everyone nodded in unison.

"Alright. Hound and Eunice will be the ones attacking this time." Gale faced Arlo. "Arlo, my messenger will be taking you and a few troops near the border so that you can act as a backup if need be."

Gale stood up.

"We are done here for today. Arlo, I need to speak to you in private once everyone leaves."


One by one, each commander left the room.

"Yes?" asked Arlo.

Gale's voice was shaky.

"We did some searching to see if we could find Sara and Troy..."

Arlo's eyes lit up with excitement.

"You found them?"

"I... I'm sorry. We... couldn't find them. They are presumed to be dead."

Arlo froze.



"Oh... I'm sorry. Thank you for letting me know."


"No need to be sorry. We should set up a funeral for them. They were important to you, weren't they?"



"I will let you know when it will be. Due to the war... it most likely won't be happening for... some time."

They can't be gone.

"It's... no problem." Arlo smiled and wiped the tears out of his eyes.

They're not gone.

"We don't need to set up a funeral. I know they're still alive."

"I... alright, Arlo."

Gale patted him on the shoulder.

"It will be alright."

As Arlo was leaving, Keith held the door open for him.

"I'm sorry." Keith spoke quietly.

Arlo looked up to see him, facing the ground, the hood hiding his face.

"Hey... you still have me, Keith." Arlo smiled.

Keith fell to his knees and began to cry.

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