Come Back When It's Safe

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Being around you feels
like being ripped apart

by two forces inside me

One remembers

the first time you made me feel special to you
how you convinced me that I could feel safe

wrapped up in your arms

it holds brief glimpses of a future

I had imagined long ago 

and abandoned when 

our chances of

happily ever after were blown

The other remembers

a blur of tears and screaming

on the side of a freeway

and it remembers a heart thrown 

across a highway

breaking into a million shattering pieces,

the sharp intensity of your squeezes

you shook me and a world of memories fell

leaving broken images and collapsed neuro-pathways

to lie in wait after the disaster
parts of my mind now resemble Baghdad

because of you

and a big part of me remembers that
and never wants to revisit the old country

for fear that it's rundown buildings 

are full of rotting animals

and disease carrying rats

to infect the rest of my mind

or maybe that the nuclear reactor

you set off in me is still leaking

radioactive material,

better to stay away 

until you're sure you won't get cancer

from going back to your old home,

the place where you once felt safe

where you once knew love and hope

and had plans for renovation

but now it's nothing but a crumbled

memory of what used to be

and a reminder to not trust certain people

with your atomic flowers

someday flowers may grow there again

but for now the sign reads:


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