2|Icarus chased the sun

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"Icarus chased the sun" Ocarina sung softly

"Because he's a idiot" Icarus interrupted as he continued to season the meat.

Ocarina glared at her older brother, "No. Icarus flew to the sun as he was escaping the island, but the beauty of the sun enchanted him and he flew to close. His wax wings melted and that was his demise. Love."

Icarus, "Big whoop the boy was a candle, candles are meant to melt. He'll be fine. The best part about candles are even if they melt if you keep the wax you can reuse it."

Ocarina threw the pillow at her brother who dodged it easily, "God, I hate you!" She whined.

He chuckled, "Your friends seem to love me enough for you, by the way, you should've kept Rarity the hell away from me like I asked."

Ocarina's eyes widened at the last bit, "What did you do..."

Icarus shrugged placing the meat in the fryer, "The humane thing O, I turned her down."

Ocarina groaned and fell back on the couch, "No wonder she hasn't been answering my texts, she's probably like- in distress or something."

Icarus smiled, "I doubt that."

He looked down at the frying meat, "she's a fighter."

Icarus tossed the duvet over his sister before heading toward his room down the hall. He paused as he heard television static from downstairs, he cocked his head to the side. Were robbers as bold as to cut things on now a days?

His fingers wiggled in anticipation as he hastily began to make his way down the stairs, not caring how loudly they creaked beneath his weight. Icarus didn't care for the element of surprise, he preferred the element of fear.

As he rounded the corner at the end of the stairs he could see the tv flickering through channels, alone.

"What the fuck?"

*static* "-arden of Ede-"

He rolled his eyes and snatched the remote up, pressing the power button. watching the tv persist through his aggressive clicking. "Seriously?"

As if the television could sense it had Icarus's undivided attention the haze of static began to clear, on the screen was a man hogtied to a disintegrating couch.

Icarus froze, eyes squinted.

"Are you ready to leave behind humanity for a year? Then again, what's more humane then accepting human desire? However you view it, in the Garden of Eden you are free to explore both sides of the coin. The human, and the animal."

His mind was sitting on a bench watching his split personalities go for a round of whose in control baseball. And he'd be lying if he said Bats wasn't in the lead.

"Would you save this man?"


Two options appeared under the screen, Yes and No. He watched as the yes became bigger and bigger.

Icarus slowly edged toward the couch before sitting on the edge, "So we're really doing this?"

"What if I told you this man was a thief?"

"Oh please, I don't give a damn if the man was the best husband in the world."

It wasn't until the no switched to yes that Icarus realized he wasn't the only watcher.

"Oh? But he stole to feed his two kids and sickly wife."

Their answer changed again, Yes

"A wife he forced into marriage from a young age."

Icarus went to tell the lady to hurry the fuck up so he could go to sleep when he heard a mans voice.

"Just kill him already, you planned to from the start. It was never really up to us." The voice spoke dryly.

The two words simmered down and the woman's voice laughed, "The King of the Garden has spoken. Watch closely ladies and gentlemen."

Icarus felt a chill in the detachment the voice showed, but he wasn't sure if it was the detachment in the man or woman's voice.

His eyes locked on a petite Asian woman carrying a handgun, she positioned it right between the blindfolded mans eyes and shot.

The gunshot resonated throughout the entire house as if it had happened right in front of him. He even imagined how good the recoil would feel and his arm throbbed in jealousy.

"So, are you ready to come home, to the Garden?"

Icarus wet his dry lips, "We're ready"

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