It's Time

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It's Time

November 26, 2016

Take your laptop off the dictionary
Unplug it on purpose this time
Stuff it in whichever bag has more space
Make sure you have everything necessary
To make it on your own
You won't be coming back to this home
See that each belonging is in the right place

or you to carry them out all at once
A bag over each shoulder 
Resting on an overstuffed backpack
And more bags hanging from your wrists
Using your mouth to hold your phone
You won't be coming back to this home
Turn all of the lights off in your childhood room
You've been there for two decades
And still haven't gotten over your fear of the dark
But you won't be stumbling through this room again
So leave the light off
No matter how dark the night has grown
You won't be coming back to this home
This isn't like other nights where you would leave the door unlocked
So you could sneak in sometime after 2:00 am
After a night with friends
You won't be seeing those friends for awhile
You're leaving this corner of the world alone
Because this place is no longer your home

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