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Curling like a ball in my bed with tears stains on my face. My hair is a mess, my skin as pale as a paper, my eyes are dull. I can't sleep for the past hours, I only spent my times on thinking and falling into deep thoughts. Lacking sleep doesn't kill me but the guilt of taking somebody else's life is. I didn't do it on purpose. It was like there's two different person of me. There's the kind me and evil me. I don't know how this happened. I lost to the darkness inside me. I didn't fight. I just let it in.

*knock knock*

My head shot up at the sound. I sluggishly sit up on the bed, leaning against the headboard as I pushed the duvet away from me. My bare feet hitting the cold floor but I don't flinch. The coldness just blend in. I pushed my hair back before standing up, making my way to the door. Opening it to reveal Pettigrew looking at me fearfully.

"m-my lady... The Dark Lord requested you to be present down at the basement"

"fine. Tell him I'll be there" I said coldly. He walked away with his head down, scared, to look directly into my eyes. I watched his moves before shutting the door and make my way to the bathroom. After taking a nice shower, I just dried myself and wear the same thing I wore yesterday. Fortunately, I found some pajamas in the wardrobe last night so I changed. Weirdly there's clothes for me to wear and they're my sizes too. I do realized he planned to get me for a long time but the clothes he got for me are actually my size and that's kinda creepy.

Anyway, right after I'm done. I head down to the basement as requested. On my way there, as expected, the house is dark and empty. I don't see Pettigrew either but he's not important to me. My right gripped my wand tightly and firmly. I have my wand, I could escape. But something inside me telling me not to. I feel sorry for him, he's got only me now. I'm his only.... Family. Maybe... Just maybe.. I could change him. I mean he's my.. Father.. He told me about his past so easily. It seems like he trust me so much. And I hate to break somebody's trust.

I walked down the stairs and opened the door to the basement to be greeted by my Father sitting on a chair, he seems to be deep in thoughts. Probably, thinking about his next plan that I don't want to know. I slowly closed the door behind me and walked towards him with light steps.

"good morning, Elora. How's your sleep?"

"good morning, Father. It was okay"

"good..." he said trailing off. I pressed my lips together and slowly went beside him. He looks so deep in thoughts, he never looked like it. Well, he never act like normal humans before too but this is abnormal. He has his hands folded on his lap, his back leaning against the wooden chair and his eyes stared straight in front of him.

"are you alright, Father?"

"yes... I'm alright, darling" I nodded and stand there awkwardly. Watching his behaviour and just waiting for what he has to say next. His actions kind of creepy but I know he won't ever harm me. He could have done it yesterday in the bedroom when we were talking, I was unarmed and I sat right next to him. But he done nothing. But I'm still cautious about his actions though.


"yes Father?"

"do you trust me?"

I stared at him closely before answering him "of course I trust you. You are my Father"

"good, I have so much faith in you, Elora." he turned his head to me with no emotion on his face.

"why are you asking such questions?"

"if you trust in me. Will you take the Dark Mark?"


"will you take the Dark Mark?"

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