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Unknown Number

Seems like they'll be
leaving you alone. Wes
told them they weren't
allowed to bother you
since they got an answer,
but who knows if they'll
actually listen

Good to know.

Also, heard you spoke.

Fuck off

No, I'm serious. I was
beginning to think you
never would at this

No such luck

Really. I'm proud of

As much as he wanted them to stop, the words were tumbling through Sebastian's head all day.

I'm proud of you.

Hunter had no right be proud of him, no right to say something like that. He'd abandoned him, he shouldn't even be in contact with him.

But he's proud of me, Sebastian told himself, unable to fight back a grin.

"What's got you so happy?"

He looked over, remembering Kurt was in the room. "Apparently the Warbler I spoke to relayed what I said back to everyone else, and Wes told them to leave me alone now since they had an answer."

Kurt raised an eyebrow. "That's all?"

"Can't I be happy I'm going to be left alone?"

He laughed. "Yeah, you can. You're just very happy about it, I didn't know you'd be that ecstatic."

"Well, I also stood up for myself and talked to a stranger. I'm happy with the entire thing."

"That's fair. I'm happy for you too."

Sebastian's smile widened, and he shook his head, looking away. "I'm so not used to having people on my side. It's all so weird, but in a good way, y'know?"

Kurt smiled as well. "Yeah, I know exactly what you mean."

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