024 | the dragonlord

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THE REALITY OF THE FIRST TASK finally rooted within Albany's mind as she sat in the champion's tent with Harry, listening to the shouts and screams of excitement from the crowd while Krum tackled the first task. For the first time, however, she didn't feel nauseous, and her limbs weren't trembling with nerves; she sat still on the edge of a bench, staring resolutely at the floor with her chin in her hands. The furious roars of the Chinese Fireball outside made her ears ring, but perhaps it was the close proximity she was in to the fearsome beasts that had settled something deep inside of her.

Is this what accepting death feels like? she wondered vaguely, a twisted sense of humour accompanying the thought. She should have been stretching, or going over spells as her plan B — but she was worried that the moment she stood up, the sense of stillness would abandon her.

It wasn't quite calm, no. She felt tense, and incredibly so, but the pit of dread in her stomach had sealed up in exchange for a steely determination. She had exactly one goal she needed to fulfil and that was not die. Her intense focus on this goal was probably fuelled purely on survival instincts, but if it prevented her from flinching at every gasp from the stands outside and provided this relieving sense of stillness, she didn't care where it came from.

Ludo Bagman's strident voice rose to a roar as he announced Krum's victory over the tumultuous screaming of the crowd. Albany shifted uncomfortably on her bench. She was up next.


Albany stood, ignoring the violent shiver that chased down her spine and made her legs feel weak. George's words were ringing in her ears, as were Merlin's, and Arthur's and Carly's and Fred's....

You can do this. I can do this.

She glanced to Harry, who's eyes were on her but not entirely focused. He blinked out of his stupor upon noticing her gaze, and nodded a silent encouragement. She went to nod back, but the movement was far more subtle than intended. She let out a long breath as she stepped towards the tent flaps. All she was waiting for was the whistle.

I can do this. Fuck you, Faith. I'm... I'm a lionheart.

As the applause outside began to die down — though not nearly completely, oh no, the crowd was far too hyped to fall completely silent — she heard the shrill whistle, like a high-pitched beckoning of death.

Merlin's waiting inside, she reminded herself, and bounced on the spot, warming up her muscles as she slightly regretted not properly stretching. All I gotta do is unlock these new powers, or whatever, and get the egg. Easy.

Well, it wasn't, really, but she could use the optimism.

Albany had a death grip on her wand as she entered the enclosure, and in an instant the sound from the stands was deafening. She glanced very briefly up at the cheering students, in the hopes that a familiar face might comfort her, but they were too far away to identify anyone. Ludo Bagman's voice had never been so ear-piercingly annoying before until he was announcing her presence with unnecessary hype. She lowered her eyes, and let him and the thundering crowd fade to background noise. Her heart was pounding in her ribcage.

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