chapter 6

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Since I'm kinda bored I'm just gonna make this chapter-

Third person POV
While they were calm,sitting in the coaster

Lust wanted to play truth or dare and classic agreed

The bad sanses never agreed but gave up on saying no when classic said yes

Lust: ''so who wants to start!"

One of the bad sanses put their hand up

Horror: "since I never even agreed to this,I guess I have no choice but play it" "lust truth of dare?"

List: "dare"

Horror: "I dare you to stop raping people and flirting and go change in different clothes that doesn't show a lot of your bones..litteraly"

Classic: "WAIT HE RAPES!?"

lust: "sorry hun I ain't gonna change what I am and who I am and I'm not gonna change into dumb clothes"

Classic: ????? Can someone explain?"

Lust;: "I don't rape I just fuck them when they want to"


Lust: "heh I see you didn't lose yours at all~"

Error: "oh fuck."


lust: "aww too bad all the sanses are the same and the classic is too ~"

Classic covered his face with his hoodie

Classic: "y'know what let's just carry in with the game" "please"

Lust: "nighty T or D~"

Night: "Truth"

Lust: "did you ever have your first kiss"

Night: "nope and so does everyone here doesn't"

Classic: "heh I thought I was the only one with no first kiss"

Cross: "yeah I know and it sucks"

Classic: "I know how you feel" he laughed

~the end of the game(they didn't do anything they just did some funny dares)~

Classic: "well that was fun but I'm still not sure when the creator of this shit will shut it on again"

Lust: "you know we can teleport right?"

Classic: "yes I know but this person is a monster and they uses their powers" "and a lot of monsters usually use their powers and I can't teleport because of it" "and im lazy"

Error: "welp I'm guessing we're gonna be stuck in here for a long time"

Everything was turned back on and the coaster was moving again

Error: "nevermind we're finally getting out of this dumb place"

~the end of that shit~

Cross: "I'm still scared that I felt like something crawlin down to my ass"

Classic: "don't worry that feeling will stop soon,by the way what are your names anyway??"

"Lust of course~"
"You already know my name"(error)
"Ye mine too but you can also call me night or nighty for short" (nightmare)

an unexpected love~ (classic sans x AU sanses) Where stories live. Discover now