42: Dinner Party

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Hiko sat down on the cold hard floor, ready to meditate, the aroma of incense he had bought from a grumpy old man filling the room. He breathed in and out slowly, trying to ignore the throbbing pain in his side courtesy of his new 'friend' Katsumi. The pain wouldn't leave Hiko even after meditating.

Jianjun knocked on the door gently before opening it a litte bit."Hiko? You should get ready soon."

"Alright." Hiko stood up with effort and a groan, and went to extinguish the incense. He heard footsteps behind him and he turned around to face his older brother.

"Katsumi banged you up real good didn't she?" Jianjun crossed his arms smirking.

"I'm fine. Although I wish Korra was here to heal me up just a little bit." Hiko made his way to the closet and brought out the suit he had worn on his first party.

"Oh! That was the suit you wore to that prty back in Republic City right?" Jianjun pointed at the dusty suit.

"Yeah, I never got to tell you what happened that night." Hiko sat down on the bed, followed by Jianjun, intent on listening to Hiko's story. "I came into the venue, which was beautiful. Then I danced with Jinora but she got mad at me because I wouldn't tell her about you. Then, BOOM!" Hiko shouted at Jianjun's ear. "Red Lotus members swarmed the venue and threatened to kill Raiko. I told them 'I'll get the Avatar for you.' They took the bait, I electrocuted all of them then I went to sleep." Jianjun stared at Hiko with a shocked face.

"What?! Why didn't you tell me about that?!" Jianjun asked loudly, annoying Hiko.

"It was already done. Also I didn't get too injured, I only kinda injured my leg.Then I went with Jinora to find the Airbenders."

"Hiko, you have to tell me these things. I'm your brother!" Jianjun exclaimed.

"I know. Now get out of here so I can take a shower." Hiko stood up, followed by Jianjun who walked out of the room.

Hiko sat down on another chair that seemed far too expensive to be sitting on, Jianjun beside him, looking incredibly uncomfortable but still smiling. The table they sat on was very long, it could probably fit all the Airbenders Hiko rescued from that horrible prison in Ba Sing Se. All the delicious food in front of him made him salivate. He eyed a particular fat looking roast duck which smelt absolutely amazing. He looked at the other people sitting on the table. Most of whom were middle-aged men just like Iatsu. Some were younger, probably the council members family. He even recognized some of them, Yuri sat near the end, next to a handsome man, presumably his father. Jianjun had waved at Yuri with a smile when they came into the room, followed by a giggle from his younger brother. Their Uncle Junko sat just across them who waved politely at them. Hiko and Jianjun were escorted to the front of the table just in front of the very front of the table where, Iatsu would sit in. Hiko was hesitant to sit in such a position but the person who escorted them, insisted. Finally, Iatsu walked in the room with a small smile, followed by a short girl, who looked very familiar. The girl turned toward the table, her ponytail whipping itself to her side. It was Katsumi, Hiko looked surprised at the girl who was simply smiling at the shocked expression on Hiko's face.

"Everyone! I'm so happy all of you could attend this special dinner party. I am hosting this, to honor two very special guests we are very lucky to have. Yuan's talented sons have graced us with their presence." Iatsu gestured at Hiko and Jianjun who nodded awkwardly. "Now, please feast!" All the people in the table bowed graciously as they started eating. Hiko immediately went for the roast duck which had been taunting him since he sat down.

"You know, it's common courtesy to leave the best parts of the food to the elderly." Katsumi smugly says to Hiko, who was just about to eat the piece of roast duck he got. Grunting, he placed the piece back on the table only to be snatched by Katsumi.

"Hey!" Hiko snarled as Katsumi ate the roast duck with a smirk on her face.

"You're really easy to manipulate Hiko." Katsumi whispered before shoveling another piece of roast duck into her mouth. Hiko looked dangerously at Katsumi before leaning to get salmon.

"You know, she's actually pretty nice whenever you're not around." Jianjun leaned toward Hiko, whispering.

"I know! You don't have to rub it in. I know she hates me!" Hiko whispered back at Jianjun which made him close his mouth.

"Hiko, please you must try this delicacy i have requested just for you." Iatsu handed Hiko a plate of Uni. "It's Urchin Sashimi, you're father absolutely loved this and he used to order it all the time whenever we went out for lunch back in the day." Hiko smiled and took a piece of the sashimi. Biting into it, Hiko immediately recoiled and spat out the sashimi on his plate.

"Oh, I'm so sorry." Hiko wiped his mouth apologizingly while Katsumi snickered.

"Well, it is an acquired taste." Iatsu took the plate of Uni and handed it back to the servant.

"You and dad used to go to lunch together?" Hiko asked curiously.

"Why yes. Your father was the first Clan Head and I was his advisor. Whenever we finished our morning work, we'd go out to a local restaurant called Aunt Li's then we'd order the Uni sashimi your father loved so much." Iatsu chuckled while remeniscing the memory.

"So that's how you became Clan Head? You were his closest friend."

"Yes. They were extremely close. Even closer than Him and I." Junko explained.

"Your father asked me to become Clan Head after him when he had just finished taking out a squad of Red Lotus soldiers that trespassed our territory."

"Why didn't he ask Uncle Junko to become Clan Head?" Hiko asked.

"Yuan knew what he was doing." Junko said with a slight sourness to his voice which Hiko didn't detect.

"When I enter my retirement, which is also conviniently the same time you turn 16, I'll give you the title of Clan Head." Iatsu said to Hiko. Katsumi's face was contorted with shock as to what she heard.

Hiko, who did not expect to hear this from Iatsu pretended he did not know that all along. "Oh really? That's cool." Hiko said nervously.

"But of course, you'll get some help from your Uncle Junko and I."

Hiko smiled at Jianjun who returned the smile.

"That's great!" Hiko exclaimed.

"Hey! Wait up!" A voice shouted behind Hiko and Jianjun who were walking home. Hiko turned around to see Katsumi scurrying toward the two of them.

"What?" Hiko asked.

The girl reached deep into her pocket and pulled out a letter.

"Junko told me to give you this." Katsumi looked to her side as she handed Hiko the letter.

"Thanks." Hiko turned around and started walking but was stopped by a tug on his sleeve.

"Hiko can I talk to you?" Katsumi asked. "In private." She eyed Jianjun. Hiko looked back to his brother who nodded slowly and walked away.

"What's up?" Hiko asked.

"Can you meet up with me tomorrow at the Tea shop in front of the dojo? I want to ask you something." Katsumi, who always seemed confident and eccentric to Hiko was now looking to her side and not making eye contact with him. 

"Why?" Hiko asked with genuine curiousity. What could Katsumi possibly ask from him?

"Just meet me there tomorrow! I have to go." Katsumi walked away quickly without another word.

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