Elderly Man

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The place they were in now could only be described as rocky and unstable; a rough terrain.

Arlo was watching the soldiers approach the Vaequilian village, "Vicility", with his soldiers behind several large boulders and walls of stone.

Hound and Eunice had already left and were now preparing for the attack.

The axe-wielders began yelling as they ran towards the village, and the villagers began preparing defenses. He could see that the children were being moved away from the side that was being attacked.

The axe wielders ran in to attack, but many were quickly taken down by the villagers that were using lances.

Hound's soldiers were beginning to retreat and the archers were the ones doing most of the attacking now.

"Soldiers, we fight!" Arlo told his soldiers.

He quickly got up to back them up.

They had brought about fifty swordfighters to act as backup for Eunice and Hound's soldiers, just in case.

They began running towards the village.

The axe branch took notice and quickly turned around to return to take advantage of the support.

Only after about ten minutes, they were done.

Arlo practically didn't do any work. He took down a couple of attacking villagers, but the archers and his soldiers had done most of the work.


Arlo looked to see Eunice walking towards him.

"No problem! How are the soldiers?"

"Not very good. More than half of them are injured. We counted about two dozens in one branch to be dead."

"Oh... was I too late...?"

"No. It's... not your fault."

Arlo looked over to see several villagers tied up on the ground.

He sighed and turned around to go check up on Hound.

"So foolish. You don't know what you've done." A voice said behind him.

He turned around to see a villager about his age, tied up. He was trying to get up.

"I advise you not to stand up. The archers won't think twice before shooting you down back to the ground."

An elderly man cried out.

"Don't! Please! Not my grandson!"

Eunice faced him.

"We don't plan on killing any of you, as long as you aren't troublesome.

"Why do you show mercy to us?"

"Because we don't believe in killing without purpose."

"You have a reason to kill us, don't you?"

"... look, do you want to die?"

The villager quieted down.

"We will be taking you back to our camp. You won't be harmed there, though." she continued.

The elderly man spoke again.

"Thank you..."

Suddenly, several other villagers and nearby villagers stopped to look at the elderly man.

"I'm tired of this land being void of kindness. I wish to help you."

Arlo looked Eunice in the eye, and she did the same.


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