Having an Affair with My Soon-to-Be Stepdad [15]

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Next part hehe =)

 Sooooo sorry for the long wait =(



 I woke up the next morning to my alarm beeping in my ears. It was 7:20am. I was wondering just what the hell I set my alarm to this time for when I realized that today was my interview. I groaned and pulled my head from under my pillow.

 I stood and turned off my alarm clock, going to my closet and pulling out a hoody, but then wondered whether that was a good choice. Everyone at that school is bound to be rich, I thought to myself. Wearing something -raggedy- wasn't going to cut it.

 Instead, I pulled out a gray long sleeve scoop neck dress my mother had bought that I had never worn, some black leggings, and scoured my closet for some decent shoes.

 Finally, I settled on some brown ankle boots with fur flaps on the edges. I sighed and stared at the non-heeled shoes. "At least they're new," I mumbled.

 I was heading to the shower when I heard a knock on the door. "Come in?" I said uncertainly.

 I saw my mom come into the room. For some reason, deep anger came from the pit of my stomach at the sight of her. "Good morning, honey," she said cheerily. She came into the room with a plate of breakfast. She had prepared a blueberry muffin, eggs, turkey bacon and a mug of something. "I got you some breakfast."

 "So I see," I said, concentrating on not letting my stomach growl.

 "I haven't cooked for you in....Gosh, I don't know how long!" she pondered, setting the tray down on the dresser.

 "Yup. You were always to busy on dates with your boyfriends," I said, realizing how harsh that sounded.

 She laughed a little. "Well....Now I'll be spending time with you more often, right?" she asked, scooting next to me on the bed.

 I scooted away. "Not really. You'll be with James 95% of the time," I said, matter-of-factly.

 "Oh really," she asked jokingly. "What about the other five percent?"

 "That'll be spent looking after your new kids," I said angrily. I grabbed my clothes and tried to rush to the bathroom.

 "Mirage!" my mother said, surprised. "Who said anything about children?!"

 "Well what do you think's gonna happen?!" I said angrily, feeling my throat get hot.

 She stood up and took my hands. "Mirage, I would never, ever think of that without asking you about it," she said seriously. "And I really wish you'd stop being mad at me," she said with a sad face. "I even made you a mochaaa," she said, holding up the jug and singing out.

 She handed me the warm cup of sweet smelling coffee, topped with whipped cream and chocolate shavings. I smiled and gave her a hug. "You know I'm a sucker for mochas," I said, taking the cup from her.

 "Yay! We're friends again!" she said excitedly.

 I laughed. "Yay!"

She handed me the plate and I dug in. "What are you going to wear for school?" she asked, picking up the dress. "Ooh, this is cute."

 "Thanks," I said, through the muffin. "I thought I'd wear something more...Chic. Since I'm gonna be around a bunch of snobs most of the time, you know?"

 "True," she admitted. "Hey, how about you and your old mommy go shopping for a whole new wardrobe today?"

 "Really?!" I said excitedly. "With what money?"

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