Chapter 7

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      I must have fallen asleep at some point, because when I wake up, my phone reads 9:00 a.m. I wonder why I woke up. There's no light in the room, other than my phone. Then I hear it. A knock at the door. It's a pattern. Knock, knock knock knock knock. Knock, knock knock knock knock. I keep hearing it. Finally, it hits me.

      I get up and walk/crawl to the door. When I get there, I knock on the door twice.

    Glad you're up.

    Still not used to it.

    You will.

    So, why did you wake me up?

    Today's your big day! You Choose today.

    Whoo, hooo!

    Okay, I felt the sarcasm dripping off of that one.

    Hey, sarcasm is for the mentally bankrupt.

    And here I was thinking that you were smart.

    Now who's the one with the sarcasm?

   You know it Sunshine! Now, get decent and open the door.

     Fine. With that, I open the door. I don't care if her sees me in my pajamas. It's not like they're scandalous or anything.

      "Nice glasses." Is all he says. I can't tell if he's being sarcastic, so I take the safe route and ask him a question.

      "So, why did you need to come into my room?" I was kinda, no definitely, annoyed that he woke me up. I am not a morning person.

      "Have you decided?"


      "Choosing!" As if it was that obvious. Well, it kind of was. What else would he ask about?

      "I'm still confused by the whole thing."

      "So, basically, you have to choose between turning your back on this world and never seeing it again, or accepting this world, dangers and all, and learning about it. If you choose to leave, you can go back to your old life, but you also will forget everything about us. If you accept, you might regain what you lost. I can't explain now, only if you choose us. I'm sorry, I wish I could tell you everything, but soon you'll know."

       "And if I say no?"

       "You'll forget me, this place, our ability, everything. You might not even be able to Mind Talk if you say no."

       "So, I will determine my life from now on, at sunset."

       "Pretty much. Sorry, I know it's a lot. They at least got me on my thirteenth birthday, and my mom was alive. She's the one that passed the Mind Gifts on."

       "What about your dad?"

       "That, my friend, is a conversation for another time. Right now you need to focus on Choosing. Get dressed, you'll be collected in an hour, and won't come back here until after you choose."

       "What should I wear?" I don't want to give the wrong impression.

     "Wear something to represent you, who you are. And keep in mind, I you choose to stay, this will be most people's first impression of you. Make them remember."

  Maybe you can remember. With that statement still ringing in my head, he left.

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