1. Did You Miss Me?

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"So you just didn't find it important to mention that mom wasn't just sick? That she was murdered and you couldn't solve the case?" you frantically pace back and forth in the living room of your dad's home. He watches from the couch.

"You were young, it was the best thing to do at the time, Y/n," he's got a decent point there. Not exactly fun to explain murder to a seven-year-old.

"Ok, but why wouldn't you tell me when I was older?"

"Well, uh, I honestly didn't think it would come up."

You sigh and shake your head. "It has so what else can you tell me?" you sit down in the armchair that's facing the couch.

Blanc shrugs slightly, "Not much, I never solved it. I suppose my grief impaired my judgement. You're not really thinking of reopening the case, are you?"

"No, dad. I'm just asking about the unsolved murder of my mother for shits and giggles," you say with a deadpan expression sarcastically.

Blanc sighs. "You'd best ask someone else for the information on the case. I'm afraid I can't be of much help."

You nod slightly, "I'll look into it."

"Y/n... as clever as you are, I should warn you that I wasn't the only one that tried to solve the case. No one was able to figure it out. Don't get your hopes up too much, I don't want you to be disappointed if it doesn't work out."

"Encouraging... but I'll stay realistic, thanks, dad."

You give your dad a quick hug before you head out. He follows you to the front porch and watches as you hop in the Beemer. You wave slightly as you pull out of the driveway and drive off, heading back home.


Once you've gotten settled back in at home, you set out a dish of kibble for Dodger. He's seemed a bit down in the past few days since Ransom was arrested. He's being held in pre-trial detention, his trial isn't for a few months, but you've still had to prepare. You haven't been able to convince yourself to go visit him. It's just been difficult to cope with the fact that the man you fell in love with is capable of such things. Part of you can't help but wonder if you got into a fight, would that be his solution? Offing you?

Dodger lays his head on your knee as you sit on the couch once he finishes his kibble. You pet his head, scratching behind his ear.

"I don't know what to do, Dodger. I still love him, but he kind of scares me. I don't know if he's who I thought he was... would I even want to marry someone that's just going to go to jail for life?"

Dodger just wags his tail, still enjoying being pet. You sigh, missing having someone else to talk to in the house.

You look at the coffee table in front of the couch. Your engagement ring is laying on a stack of coasters in the center of the table. You've left it off since Ransom was arrested.

Your thoughts begin to wander back to that day as you stare at the ring. You get lost in your thoughts so much that you almost don't hear the front door unlock. Almost. You tense and quickly move to the kitchen to be out of view of the front door. No one else has your house keys and you certainly hadn't invited anyone. Dodger follows you and sits next to you as you hide behind the counter, listening silently as the doorknob twists. You hear footsteps heavier than your own walk in as the door closes once more.

"Y/n?" a very familiar voice rings out, "Did you miss me?"

A/N: Hi, sorry, I'm a terrible person for waiting this long to post. Feel free to be disappointed in me. But anyways hopefully you'll like the story and the cover I made, I like it better than CSI's cover which I might redo...
Anyways I'm really excited for this story that's based on a real case~ maybe you can guess based which on the title?

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