where is he...?

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the castle has been so quite...
So quite a pin could drop and you could here it.

Error, dust, horror, and cross could feel the negative energy in the castle, Nightmares was distance with the other and more than usual he wouldn't say anything to them unless it was a mission to find killer,

Killer has been gone for a month and Nightmare dream and color couldn't find killer they tried to find him but couldn't because they still had lives and people that needed them.

But that didn't stop them from trying to look for killer.

On the other hand killer was enjoying himself outer showed him around his au, where killer was loved for his calm loving personality, and when people found out outer and killer were "dating" people went bonkers and people started to ship them. outer was always embarrassed but killer being the calm soul his is always comforted him, killer had started to fall for outer, outer was a cute clumsy energetic "boyfriend" and killer always loved how hard outer would try to I'm to impress him which was adorable for killer, killer was so happy here he started to even wear outer like Galaxy clothes nothing to much just a little something on his  jacket.

Killer didn't know the damage he has done and left behind he wasn't oblivious to what he done leaving his friends and his lovers?

Killer right now was next to outer watching a movie cuddling papyrus had ran out to and went to met frisk of this au, when watching the movie outer had fallen asleep, killer noticed and smiled softly at his boyfriend. Killer got up and placed a blanket on outer as he looked around, killer slowly got bored and decided to take a walk for some reason killer felt like bringing his knife as he put his knife in his pocket,

Killer took a walk around the town and and stop at the at the river and sat there looking at the water, listening to the water wave by. Suddenly killer heard a step, killer smiled thinking it was outer trying to sneak up on him so he pretended to not heard anything, suddenly a hand was on Killer's skull, killer turned around to think to see outer only to be pulled into a kiss and a rough one at that.

Killer closed his eyes shut and he knew dam well this wasn't outer but killer knew who it was by touch alone, killer looked up to see Nightmare?!

Nightmare was roughly kissing killer as tentacles wrapped  around his body, which startled killer which gave Nightmare to enter his tongue, killer struggle to go from Nightmare grip.

"Hm-! Stop!" Killer yelled as he managed to push Nightmare away, both killer and Nightmare were breathing heavily, Nightmare eyes were filled with lust as he looked at killer, while killer was pissed.


"No- get away from m-" killer yelled trying to leave but was stopped as Nightmare put him in a hug, which was surprising to him.

"Killer?" Outer said looking at his boyfriend.

Both killer and Nightmare jumped looking at outer,

"Outer!" Killer said as he ran out of Nightmares grip since he was surprised by outer.

Killer ran to outer and as outer took killer in his arms,

Nightmare glared outer as he saw killer ran to him.

"Who is he...?!" Nightmare said pointing at outer.

"His boyfriend..." Outer said as Nightmares expression changed soon clenching his fist.

"What?!" Nightmare yelled.

Outer and looked at killer and then started to put killer in a protective way.

"Since when?! Were you with someone?!" Nightmare yelled looking at Killer, killer said nothing as he held onto outer.

"Who exactly are you?" Outer said

"...killer let's go!" Nightmare yelled as on of his tentacles tried to grabbed killer from outer.

"What no! I'm not going anywhere with you-!" Killer yelled as he grabbed his knife from pocket and put it in a fighting position.

Killer and Nightmare stared at each other and suddenly a tentacle came flying towards killer but before it could get killer a gaster blaster shot away his tentacles, Nightmare jumped in pain as swinged his pain off.

Suddenly killer and outer were fighting Nightmare both teaming up on him and giving them a good fight.

Suddenly a tentacle grabbed killer and Nightmare quickly opened a portal open as Nightmare throw killer in outer trying to get him but Nightmare closed the portal and then it was him and outer.

"What is- who are to killer?!"

Nightmare said nothing to outer as they stared at each other.

"You and killer are over..." Nightmare said as he was fighting his feelings to hurt him.


"You put a finger on him... your going to regret it-" Nightmare said as he open a portal walking in.

"Wait... What-" outer yelled running after him. But the portal close leaving outer alone as he feared for his boyfriend.

Nightmare walked in the portal to see out killer in front of him afraid... Nightmare was going to make sure he claimed killer...


Well next chapter is going to be sin~ so... yeah? And by the way it's going to be rape so...bye!

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