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   "We need to go." I told Sokka when we got back to the hide out.
He was sitting down while I was pacing back and forth, chewing my bottom lip nervously. "I don't trust Jet."

   "Yeah, Neither do I." He replied.

   "Hey! Kaida, Sokka. Look what The Duke gave me!" Aang threw a popper at the ground next to Momo.
   Momo climbed up him and threw poppers at the Avatar's feet. "Hey! Quit it!"

   "Hey Sokka, Hey Kaida, is Jet, back?" Katara asked coming down.

   "Yeah, he's back but were leaving." Sokka got up.

   "What?!" Aang asked they all looked at us.

   "But I made him this hat" Katara held up the ugliest hat I've ever seen. It was made of leaves, and petals, and an ugly flower on top.
Would Jet even wear that? No, he's the kind of guy to say he likes it and loses it just to never have to wear it.

   "Your boyfriend, Jet's a thug." Sokka crossed his arms.

   "What? No, he's not!" Katara replied hugging the hat and looking at me.

   "Katara, The kid is messed up." I told her.

   "He's not messed up, he's just got a different way of life. A really fun way of life!" Aang smiled.

   "He beat and robbed a harmless old man!" Sokka yelled.

   "I wanna hear Jet's side of the story!" Katara crossed her arms.

   "Katara." I felt offended that she didn't really believe us. "Fine, you know what?! Let's go talk to Jet."

   So we went up to Jet's little hut. Katara asked him about what happened.

   "You told them what happened but you forgot to mention the guy was a Fire Nation?" Jet asked.

   "No, they conveniently left that part out." Katara said and they looked at us.

   "Okay now you know!" I said harshly. "But he was a harmless OLD civilian, an OLD traveller man, not a dangerous guy."

   "He was an assassin, Kaida!" Jet stabbed the knife into the stump. "See there's a compartment for the poison in the knife, he was sent to eliminate me. You two helped save my life."

   I'll eliminate you myself.

   "I knew there was an explanation." Katara said in relief.

   "I didn't see any knife!" Sokka said and it was true, we didn't see a knife whatso-ever.

   "That's because he was concealing it." Jet replied.

   There was no knife but I had no evidence to prove otherwise. I'm not gonna lie Jet's a smart guy, I wanted to cut that stupid wheat from his stupid lying lips.

   "See you two, I'm sure you guys just didn't notice the knife." Katara agreed with Jet.

   "There was no knife!" Sokka said.

   "There's no point, Sokka." I stopped him and locked eyes with my sister. "She's blinded by what she thinks is love. Blinded by her emotions." She looked at me angrily but I walked past her heading out.

   In our hut Sokka and I began to pack up our things. I couldn't see why Katara was attracted to a manipulating weasel.

   "We can't leave now with the Fire Nation about to burn down a forest!" Katara and Aang walked in.

   "I'm sorry Katara, Jet's very smooth but we can't trust him." Sokka told her.

   "You know what I think?" Katara asked. "You're both jealous." I looked at her waiting, she turned to Sokka. "That he's a better leader and a better warrior."
   She turned to me. "And that a guy is finally giving your younger sister attention! Maybe someone would like you if you actually smiled at them!"

Kaida Queen Of Ice <<ATLA; Book one: Water>>Where stories live. Discover now