Chapter 18

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Remi POV 

Me, Blyke and Isen board the train, carrying Luke's unconscious body over to a seat, sitting him down in it before we collapse into our own. "Why didn't you want to involve the Authorities?" Isen inquires, leaning forwards in his seat. "Because… I have my suspicions that the Authorities and EMBER are connected." I say, quietly. "... Fine." He responds, leaning back again. 

We spend most of the ride in silence, when suddenly Luke lets out a groan of pain, regaining consciousness. As he opens his eyes, he looks at his surroundings. Seeing us, he visibly relaxes. "What happened?" He asks. "You got your ass handed to you, that's what happened." Blyke says. "Well, almost. We intervened to save you." Isen elaborates. "Then thanks, I guess." Luke responds. Suddenly, his eyes widen. "Wait, where are my daggers?" He asks. "In your bag." Blyke responds. Pulling them out, he groans in frustration. "What's wrong?" I ask. "You guys don't know how to handle blades properly. It's going to take hours to get all this off!" He complains. "Get all what off?" Blyke retorts. "The blood. It's all dried, and it's also in the scabbard now!" He says, exasperated. "Maybe you shouldn't have tried to take on two god-tiers all by yourself, you idiot!" Isen responds. "Fair enough." Luke says, spending the rest of the ride fussing over his daggers.

Timeskip to Wellston

When we finally arrive, we immediately head back to campus, where Keene is waiting for us. "Took you long enough. Come with me." He says impatiently. "We're here." He announces a short while later, pushing the door open. "There you are! Now, can someone please tell me what happened out there tonight?" Vaughn asks. "Let me begin." I say.

Skipping recaps because I feel like it

"I see." Vaughn says, slightly angry, before letting out a sigh. "I realize that you may not listen to me, but I must ask you to stop this superhero nonsense." He says. "I agree." Luke says. "What?!!" I exclaim. "Remi, listen. I can guarantee you, these aren't the most powerful people EMBER has, but they are the most loyal. They won't give anything up. The best thing we can do right now is throw ourselves into cultivating the friendships between the high and low-tiers here." Luke says. "But-" I begin. "But nothing. Remi, you were overpowered by the weaker of the two of them when I was weakening them. What would've happened if I hadn't gone with you? I'll tell you - you, Blyke and Isen would be the next superhero team found dead, killed by EMBER. We can't lose you." Luke says. "He's right, Remi." Blyke agrees. "We wouldn't have stood a chance against those two on our own. Heck, we barely beat them with the strongest kid in school on our side." Blyke agrees. 

"......... You're right. The best thing for us to do is just throw ourselves into our lives here." I agree, breaking down on the inside, knowing that I'll never get justice for my brother. I'm sorry, Rei. I must have said that out loud, because I heard John say "Wait, Rei? Luke, didn't you kno-" "Not now, John." Luke snaps at him. "Wait, you knew Rei?" I ask. "A story for another time. For now, we need to get some rest." Luke says. "Agreed. You are all dismissed. And, you will all be attending after school detention for one week, for breaking curfew." Vaughn announces, causing all the students in the room to groan. "Shall I make it two weeks?" He asks. "No, sir." We all respond. "Then go get some rest. I'll have Darren prepare some tonics for the injured in the morning. Until then, goodbye." Vaughn says. 

Keene POV
"Are you sure keeping two powerful members of such an organization on school grounds is safe?" I ask, concerned. "They will not be contained on school grounds." Vaughn responds. "You mean…" I trail off. "Yes." Vaughn says. "Very well, then. I'll make the arrangements." I say, departing. I hope you kids don't do anything else reckless. I say to myself as I walk through the halls.

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