Spreading My Wing's

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Hey guy's! I hope you enjoyed the last chapter and Thanks for the comments and votes! I need everyone to read this note so there won't be any confusion!!

With this chapter I'm skipping ahead several month's. Chelly is well into college by now and has changed slightly or grown up some. She's testing new water's and discovering herself. There may be a few thing's you don't agree with but let's not slut shame..lol Remember she's young, free and all about fun and living a life she's never been allowed to live. What's the saying??? If parent's are too strict when the child does get a taste of freedom they go buck wild. However Chelly is still focused and a hard worker. She doesn't allow her fun to interfere with her schooling!

Now let's get to this!

"Urrrgggg... Gurggle...huhhhgggg" was the sound I woke up to in my tiny dorm room.

Wiping the sleep from my eye's i sat up to find Jensey bent over her small trash container. "You okay girl?" I whispered groggily.

" Hurrrgggg". Was the answer I got as she heaved again.

Slipping from bed, I grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and handed it to her. "I'm going to wet you a wash cloth. I'll be back". I promised as I creaked the door open and padded down to the shower room.

Moment's later I returned and handed her the cool, wet rag. Jansey grabbed it and clumsily wiped it across her face before resting it against the back of her neck. "I'm so fucked". She groaned.

" just crawl back in bed and sleep it off okay". I suggested.

"No Chelly, I really screwed up. I didn't mean to get this drunk last night. I'm suppose to do my first practice counsel today. There's no way I can do it in this shape and I'll flunk it". She screeched.

Squating down, I rubbed her shoulders. "Just give the professer a call and reschedule. Tell him you're sick".

Jensey shook her head and groaned at the pain the slight movement caused. "I'm afraid I'm all out of excuses with him. He's already given me a warning" .

"Shit Jensey, then why did you go out and drink last night?" I asked illy.

" Don't do that Chelly. Don't scold me and make me feel worse. "

"Geez, sorry. Just call the professor. Maybe he will agree". I urged.

" He won't. Please Chelly, will you go in my place? ". She asked sadly.

" What? I can't do that. Besides I drank last night too". I reminded her.

"Yea but you seem clear headed and I don't see you spewing your guts. Please, I'll owe you big time". Jensey begged.

" They will know that I'm not you. ". I tried to reason with her. "And if I get caught it's both of our asses".

" Pretty please". She whined.

"Ugh. Fine but you are doing my laundry for a month and keeping your side of the room clean. Oh and those new heels you just bought... Well they are mine now" I declared.

"Deal. And thank you so much my bestest friend" . Jensey beamed through red rimmed eye's and jumped up to hug me.

"Whoa. Stop right there. You stink". I said placing my hand up to stop her from coming near. "What time do I need to be there?"

Jensey gave a weak smile. "Nine-thirty".

I glanced at the clock. "It's nearly right-thirty now. I'll never make it. I need a bath and all".

Double Vexation ( A Harper's series. book 11) Where stories live. Discover now