[29] Suspect

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Bella's POV:

I always thought I'd choose my family over anything. I never thought the day would come where I would rat them out, or give information to the other side, but last night that's exactly what happened.

I was faced with the choose of letting the Cobras plan go ahead and losing Jex, or choosing to save Jex and risk losing my family.

I take a deep breath as I stare out the window of Jex's bedroom. He was so good to me last night, and when she says he won't go after the Cobras I believe him. I just wish I knew who was messing with him, who was trying to turn the Cobras agents the Vipers.

"Hey beautiful, you're awake." Jex enters the room with a smile

"I've been awake for a while, I've just been thinking." I turn my attention to him and reply to his smile with a small one of my own.

He makes his way over and sides into bed next to me, still dressed in just his sweat pants and pulls me into his arms. "I've called the boys off, they all know it's cancelled and so does the ships captain. Nothing is coming in tonight and no one is getting hurt." He assures

"I'm glad, really I am. But what am I going to do if my family find out it was me Jex? What if they find out it was me who gave you the heads up."

"How would they ever find out? I'm sure not going to tell them, and I'm not going to tell anyone, it's not worth the trouble. I don't want you stuck in the middle of this."

"I'm already in the middle, and I have no idea where I'm meant to go from here."

"Only you can make that choice baby, and I'm sorry that you have to." He sighs "I know that you telling me last night wouldn't have been easy, but you saved my life, and probably the guys lives as well." He presses another kiss to my head "are you still going into work today?"

"I feel really sick, but yes I am going in. I don't work much as it is so I can't bail on them."

"Try not to let the stress get to you, everything will work out, you'll see."

"Have you always been this positive?" I smile up at him

"Only when I have to." He boops my nose gently "now will you cuddle with me before you have to go and I don't see you all day" he pouts, causing me to giggle.


I arrive at work dressed in black high-waisted Gucci pants with a built in belt, black heels and a black v-neck style top tucked into the pants, I also have a white jacket on to break up the look a little.

"Hey Bella, I didn't think you were coming." Melanie the manager smiles fork behind her office desk.

"I'm sorry I'm late, I haven't been feeling the best today."

"Oh, are you okay? Do you want to sit down?"

"No I'm okay, thank you. Just stress, you know how it is." I give her a soft smile "Are the monthly reports ready?"

"Yes of course, I'll go and get them." She stands up and leaves the room

I spend the next couple of hours reading reports and moving things around on the books, making everything look legit even when some of it isn't and sign off on everything.

Or it seemed like a couple of hours away. I push the sleeve of my jacket up and check my watch to find it's after ten. The Cobras would have realised by now that the plan was a fail and will be back to the drawing board.

Packing everything up quickly I store it away in the safe and exit the building, saying my goodbyes as I do, headed for the car.

The second I reach it I jump in, start the engine and head for home.


I arrive home and just as I thought all of the Cobras are here. I park my car in it's usual spot and head for the front door.

I enter the foyer and lock the door behind me, then head into the living room, following the voices

"Hey." I smile as I stick my head in the door

"Hello sweetheart, how was work?" Dad smiles

"It wasn't so bad I guess." I shrug "what are you all doing here again?"

"We think we have a rat." Abel huffs

"A- a rat? What makes you think that?"

"Our plan was foiled. The vipers didn't turn up at the docks tonight, they've been there every other week, same day, same time and now as soon as we have a plan in place they don't show up."

"Maybe they just changed their days, not everything that doesn't go your way has someone behind it Abel."

"Actually it always does Bella." He thinks for a moment "you know you seemto stick up for these guys every time we talk about them."

"I'm not sticking up for them, I don't even know them. I'm just saying before you go on a rampage check your facts."

"Why do you look so nervous then?" He rises a brow

"I'm not nervous, I'm sick." I roll my eyes trying to keep my cool, at the same time my hands shaking and my forehead beginning to sweat

"For the love of god will you two stop fighting, Bella this isn't anything for you to be worried about and Abel your sister is not a rat, she'd never rat us out, she knows what happens to rats."

Oh my god. They know, they know I'm the rat and they're just waiting for me to cave and admit it, how do they know. My heart rate quickens and I can feel another panic attack coming on. Unable to get my breath I close my eyes for a second. I'm done I'm so done, I may have saved Jex's life but I can say goodbye to mine.

I gasp for air and open my eyes. I see my dad and brother looking at me, and then everything goes black.

Andre's POV:

Hearing Bella gasp for air, I turn back toward her, that's when I see her on the floor, out cold

"Bella." I yell as I run to her side and pick her up "Sweetheart can you hear me?"

"I'll call an ambulance." Enzo pulls his phone from his pocket

"She wasn't kidding about being sick." Abel kneels down with me. "Sis can you hear us?" He questions "she breathing right?"

I check her pulse and thankfully it's strong, she's just out cold. "She's breathing, pulse is good. Go and call your mother, tell her to meet us at the hospital."

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