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After listening to the woman's jealously towards Patty, I somewhat feel that may be the feeling I get when I'm with Patty. I get somewhat irritated when Patty chose Jumin. I really don't understand why it has to be him. Patty is a good and honest angel when I saw her looking somewhat sad the other because of Jumin it also hurts me to know that she is experiencing those feelings. If it were me I won't make her make an expression like that. I would cherish her and talk about our feelings out.

Who would I have thought that I actually started to fall for Patty. If I had answered Patty's call the other time would I have done the same and actually have Patty fall for me instead?


I went ahead and blurted out what I wanted to tell to Patty.

"....Actually I like you."

"Huh?" Patty looked at me in question

"Stop joking around Zen." Jumin butts in.

"What?!" Jaehee and the woman looked at me in shock.

"It's true.... That's why, I don't mind being your friend but also someone who confessed to the one they love."I said. I know Patty may not choose me now but I hope some day she at least know I am here for her. I kneel down like a prince and kiss Patty's back hand.

"Zen, I don't think you should go in a relationship and to a married person, it could ruin your career!" Jaehee said as she tells the guards to keep what happened here quiet and made sure that there aren't any eavesdroppers around.

"...Zen." I look at Patty who was surprised but then showed me a relieved smile. "Thank you."

"But seriously if that jerk face did anything to you unhappy, just say the word and I'll sweep you off of your feet!" I said with determination, I haven't yet lost this round.

"Actually I already did that so you don't have a chance at all as soon as we get babies" Jumin jumps in the conversation.

"Heh, You better make her happy or I will take your place...Jumin." I said as I made a determine face.


"Ohhhh boy." I said to myself as I walk away from the two guys and look for MC. When I went to look for MC I only see Seven alone by himself, he seems rather depress.


"Oh, Hey PATTY!" As soon as he saw me he became cheery again. "Waazzap with that dress girl?! it's a crime!" still as energetic as always. "Uh, yea where's MC?" I said ignoring his enthusiastic self.

As soon as I mentioned her he suddenly reverted back to dark and gloom.

"OH! woah! Um did something happen?" Did I triggered something to make him act like this?

"She knew..."

It was low but I know what he means then. "She knew about you're faking it?"


"Come on stand up! Can you tell me how it all happen?" I said as I tried to get him to stand up.

We went to a table and Seven told me how MC found out, she looked through his phone at work and found out about the lie a few days ago and she just acted that she didn't read it at all.

"If I gotta be honest it was great being a dad and to have a loving wife just like her. But then she wanted things to end after a week." 707 said with a sorrowful look. "I think it's better this way after all I will put my family in danger."

"Are you an idiot!"

Seven look at me in surprise. "After all two have been through ending things with MC will be the biggest mistake of your life! I mean you do love her right?"


"What do you mean 'yea'? do you love her or not?!"

"Um, yes mam?"



"Then isn't that enough? MC would take any risk for you even knowing that she'll be hurt in the end so. DO you really want things to end that way?"

"No...NO! I'm going to look for MC!!!!" Seven spirited went to look for MC.

"Hey... what's going on here?" I turn around to see MC right behind me. Seven's gone to a different direction.

"So you knew?" I said. MC looks at me in question but then gets what I meant.

"Yeah, I thought that maybe I should stop this charade and just move on." MC said as she joins me on the table. "He's my first and last."

"MC... you guys are really idiots. The idiot couple." I said. "Yeah, we are. hehe" MC said as she laughs a little bit even she had a hint of a sadness.

"Why end it now though?"

"This world won't stay long and I can't force someone who doesn't know me be with me in the end knowing that their lives will change differently from ours."

"But you still love him don't you?"

"Yes, I still do.... I don't care anymore if he doesn't know me. I'm already satisfied with the life I have right now." She may seems sad right now but I can trust her words when she said that. MC has become strong and I need to be strong too.


"About time." I said as I see Seven running back to us.

"Seven?" MC looked at Seven surprised. "MC! I Love you! like seriously love you. I love our family, I love our crazy children and I really really love you so. I don't want to get a divorce!!" Seven was so loud that the other RFA members are surprised to Seven's tantrum.

"What? Seven is already married?" Yoosung said who is just as surprised as Jaehee and what a surprise V is here too, I didn't get to see him the last time MC and Saeyoung's route so Wow what a surprise. "Um,Saeyoung why don't we talk this out more privately????" MC said as she tries to drag crying Seven somewhere private.

Wow, they are match made in heaven....

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