31. touch

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Relationship: Loki & Tony Stark

In which Loki is touch starved. Takes place during the God of Mischief's New York invasion where he meets Tony in the Avengers Tower. Things are slightly different from what's shown in the movie.


As always, the chapters in this book are one-shots. However this one can also be read as a prequel to the previous chapter; bittersweet on my tongue. I mean it's not actually connected and, in the beginning of bittersweet on my tongue, Tony resents Loki deeply which might not go well with how this chapter goes (because I wrote this and every other chapter in this book as a stand-alone) but if you believe hard enough and turn a blind eye to some plot holes, details that don't add up if you put the two chapters together, I think it's still not so terribly wrong to think of this chapter as the event that leads up to BOMT? And that's it for my rambling.


Tony knew it was a bad idea to confront the guy alone. Stupid and reckless. But he was Tony Stark, he'd always been known for being... stupid and reckless. Steve had told him that precisely this morning, and Rhodey the day before. Tony wasn't about to stop living up to his reputation now. He tilted his head fully backward, finally emptying his drink. He needed that. Something strong enough that'd help him get through this.

Getting drunk while facing your enemy. Way to go, Stark. The voices in Tony's head sounded a whole lot like Fury. Tony didn't particularly like the dude for more than one reason, his always bossing around was one of them. He tossed the now-empty glass aside and made for the room's entrance.

Stupid and reckless and drunk (not that drunk) and all by himself. And he was about to face Earth's most threatening threat. Tony had a feeling in his chest this was going to be so much fun.

Finding Loki wasn't hard. Tony spotted the self-proclaimed god standing tall in the middle of the hall right away. There was the Scepter in Loki's hand and a ghostlike smile on Loki's face as he turned to face Tony, almost like he had been waiting for him.

Tony gulped, but recovered himself quickly with an acknowledgement nod, like he was a generous host welcoming another guest to a pool party. "Want a drink?" Tony then made for the bar, fully aware of Loki's predatory eyes watching his every move like a snake eyeing its prey.

(He tried not to let it show on his face, how spooked he was, and was grateful for the alcohol he had had. He needed it strong in order to deal with Loki)

Tony picked a bottle of bourbon and poured the liquor down on two glasses, one for Loki and one for himself. Obviously he wasn't expecting them to actually have a drink. His plan was to stall the whole things, hopefully until the rest of the team figured out how to stop what Loki had started.

Loki stalked towards, closer, Tony was suddenly very much away of the height difference, how intimidating Loki was and how easily it would be for the deranged Trickster to snap his neck in two. He tried not to think about that and offered Loki a glass.

Loki did not take it (of course, he wouldn't) instead his gaze was devouring Tony alive. And if Loki reminded Tony of a snake before, this close, he looked more like a lion now; more dangerous, more unpredictable. And Tony was a lamb.

Should've listened to the team when they told you this was a bad idea.

"Don't drink?" One of Tony's brows rose slightly, he still tried keeping it cool. "Fine then, suit yourself." He shrugged and brought the glass to his own mouth.

"You are," Loki's first breaking the silence almost made Tony flinch. His voice cold, like ice, it sent shivers down Tony's spine, but Tony kept his cool. "A very interesting creature, Anthony Stark."

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