Chapter 10: The First Day

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"Ahhh!" Seri woke up with a start, here shirt drenched with sweat and her throat raw from all her screaming.

Shaking as the last remanent of the nightmare left her, Seri curled up into herself in an attempt to calm down. She was trying to breathe, knowing that she could easily slip into a panic attack if she let her demons get to her.

Gradually, Seri's shaking subsided and she padded over to the bathroom to take a shower. Just thinking about the nightmare had Seri sick to the stomach so, she started humming to distract herself. Yet, she couldn't stop the sobs that wracked her body as she leaned her forehead against the wall of the shower.

It has been weeks since the photoshoot concluded and it hasn't been easy for Seri. While she continued to work hard in her classes and was cheery on the surface, she was struggling on the inside. She began to exercise more and she watched what she ate most days but the nights were the worst. 

Panic attacks, night terrors...everything happened too fast but sadly, these things were part of her daily life now.

Minutes later, Seri dried her tears and got out of the shower. Walking out, Seri saw that it was barely dawn which meant she still had some time before she had to leave for the city again.

After much discussion, CEO Kim agreed that it would be more practical for Seri to stay in the city for the next few months since filming schedules were rather unpredictable at times. With that, Seri was set to leave with her belongings packed into her luggage.

This was where it got tricky. Since she was a minor, CEO Kim had informed her that she would be staying in a rented apartment with Manager Kwon. 

Even with separate rooms, Seri thought that the arrangement sounded like hell. Even though she was looking forward to the start of filming, everything about the living arrangement dampened her excitement. It didn't help that CEO Kim specifically instructed Manager Kwon to keep a strict eye on her since she would be surrounded by professionals for months.

Sighing deeply, Seri zipped up one of her luggage and sat on it. What was she going to do?




Glancing over at her phone, Seri saw the string of texts popping up and reached for it. To her surprise, the texts were from Ye Jin eonnie. What was she doing at such an early hour?

Ye Jin eonnie: Morning, Seri! You're coming to the city today, right? 🥰

Ye Jin eonnie: Are you all packed? 🤨🤨🤨

Ye Jin eonnie: Do you know where you're staying yet? 😙

Seri sighed at the string of texts from Ye Jin eonnie. Don't get her wrong, she liked that Ye Jin eonnie was so considerate of her needs. In fact, she wished she could talk freely with her. 

Yet, Seri has been trying to keep her distance from her since she knew that she was the only one who could break through the walls she had up now. She also didn't want to give Manager Kwon any more reason to punish her. She knew it worried Ye Jin eonnie when she started to text her lesser but she didn't want to bother her with her problems.

That was a burden for her to bear alone.

Seri: Morning, Ye Jin eonnie! You're up early. Yes, I'm coming to the city today. I'm all packed, don't worry.

Seri purposely left out the address, not wanting a repeat of the hotel incident. Seri has learnt from the past and she wondered how long she could hold up against Ye Jin eonnie. She knows how persistent she could be and while it was a quality Seri admired her for, she truly feared it now. It was just easier to keep her distance.

It's Not Easy (Saved By BinJin) *REWRITTEN*Where stories live. Discover now