Chap 04

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Our dinner was oddly quiet. It seemed weird as me and my family always had something to say.

"Aria, you recall the shopping plan with In ha, right?" Mum broke the silence.

"Yes..?" I replied, reaching for the salt shaker.

"Good, because you're going. Tomorrow."

"But mum--." I objected.

"No buts Aria. You're definitely going." Mom declared with a glare, slowly knitting her eyebrows together.

"Looks like someone's gonna have fun."

Both the twins sang at the same time.

I have a conspiracy theory to present here: My brothers are aliens who think they're humans and own stupid twin telepathy.

The next morning at exactly 9, the bell rang. Since we all knew who that was gonna be, I was 'forced' to go and open the door.

With the words "I am so not looking forward to this" scribbled on my forehead in invisible ink, I pushed back the door knob. In ho stood there like a time traveller stuck in the wrong time line behind a very bright Ji hun.

Ji hun waved and then asked if they could come in.

I nodded as I peeked further at the street with a hand horizontal over my eyes.

Ji hun chirped, "Don't worry, In ha will be here soon."

Mum came from the kitchen, obviously wanting to greet my 'best friend'.

As she was calling In ha.

"Hi boys, what a surprise!" Mum said, trying not to sound surprised.

"Uh.. well, Umma wanted us to come too because noona isn't good with directions. Hopefully you won't mind."

Ji hun said, scratching the back of his neck. In ho seemed to be blending in with the background.

"No no, it's completely fine." Mum assured.

"Thank you." Ji hun said, In ho staying silent this whole time.

"No problem. Actually, if you would like, the twins can go with you.

You know; just to keep you company." Mum said with her ever-caring smile.

"That would be great." Ji hun answered, nudging In Ho.

"Uhh!! Ye ye." In ho stated in the flatest tone possible.



After an hour of all of us getting ready and the twins whining not wanting to go, here we were. All six of us, wandering in the streets of the huge market.

"Let's just go home. We're tired." The twins said for the 42nd time today.

"What are you saying, we just arrived." In ha replied ecstatically. All the boys groaned.

In ha, as usual, had her pink outfit while me, being forced by my mum to dress 'girly' , had to put on my one and only pink hoodie with a pair of jeans.

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