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previously on 'Not Again?'


Louis Tomlinson was a fucking asshole.

"Request a new roommate," Liam suggested. "It's not that hard. I'm sure you could switch rooms."

"No," Harry said firmly. "I'll deal with it."


"Maybe if you got a life," Louis hissed, "outside of the library and your homework, you wouldn't be such an uptight asshole about everything!"

"Oh, wow," Harry mocked, feigning shock. "You actually know what the library is? I never would have guessed."

"I'm just gonna go," the girl said quietly. "You two keep, uh, doing whatever this is."


"Why are you still here?" Harry wondered. "Why is he still here, Zayn?"

Louis didn't look offended. He just rolled his eyes, "I'll take him home, if you all want to stay."

"No way," Liam protested. "Not letting you take my— my drunk best friend anywhere, Louis Tomlinson. I'll take him home. Come on, Harry."


"I hate you. Really. I honestly, truly fucking hate you."

"Mutual," Louis said. "Glad we had this talk."


"I'll clean my half", he said.

"You'll clean the whole thing."

"What if I don't?"


It's like Louis was trying to kiss him and hurt him, at the same time. Harry did the same, pulling back, tugging sharply at Louis' bottom lip with his teeth until Louis hissed in a sharp breath.

"Fuck you, Louis. Fuck you."

"What do you think I'm trying to do?"


As the minutes ticked by, it dawned on him what just happened. Bit by bit, he realized that he just had sex. With Louis Tomlinson. He had sex with Louis fucking Tomlinson.


Louis still made his blood boil. He still wanted to punch the guy. But he'd feel... guilty, maybe? If things changed for Louis. But they hadn't, he's still a dick, and Harry liked it better this way. It's like being on even ground again. It's easier when they hate each other because he knew what to expect.


"I just—" he cut off, running a hand through his hair. "You need to tell Niall you don't want to go to the party."

"I wasn't planning on going to the stupid party anyway," he said.

"Good," Louis snapped. "I don't know why he'd even invite you. You wouldn't belong there."


"Wait, wait," Harry breathed. "Louis—"

Louis pulled back abruptly. His cheeks were red, and his lips were puffy and parted and slick. He stepped right away from Harry as if Harry burned him.

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