Part 17 : Marry Christmas

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"Hey!" he said.

Yongmun got startled for a moment. Then she said, "Oh its means..I'm dreaming, right?"

"Of course." he replied.

"Where were you these days?" She asked.

"I'm always with you. And I'll never let you go." he wishpered.

Her heart stopped beating for a while.
"Ya!! Don't come that near! Go away!", she tried to push him but he grabbed her hand & said, " Why? Are you feeling shy~~?'re looking red enough." he chuckled.

However she pushed him away.

"Listen! 1 more year is passing & I still don't know who are you! I can't even remember your face when I wake up! This is really so frustrating! It's been 5 years its happening with me! Now I'm going depressed...Do you even exist in this world?! WHO ARE YOU?!", She shouted with a frustrated voice.

Her behaviour kinda made him angry too. He said, " What's here to be depressed?! Do you having any nightmare with me?! Or what?! I told you to be patient why can't you?! It's just some dream & you cannot know everything here! Something will stay mystery & this mystery will of course solve in real world someday!"

She became silent. Thinking that how fool is she. He was absolutely right. She felt a little shame too. It's so weird to get in a fight in dream. And this is probably the first time she's seeing him angry.

"I'm... Sorry...just forgive me." Yongmun mumbled.

"There's nothing to be sorry." he said with a soft tone, "Of course you will find me someday...or remember me in real life. Maybe very soon." he said & put his hand on her shoulder.

"Really?" she asked.

He nodded & said, "But when you'll find me, will you believe it?"

"What do you mean...why won't I?" she asked.

"Just think. You've been seeing someone for straight 5 years. He's growing with you in dreams. But when you meet with him in real...Could you believe it?" he said.

"Actually...that's kinda unbelievable... I can't even believe that I'll meet you someday. I lost hope. For me, you're just a dream which is chasing me for life." she said.

"It's not so far when things will be total opposite. " he giggled.

"What do you mean by 'total opposite'? " she frowned.

"You'll know. For now, wake up. And...Good luck!" he smiled.

*dream ends*

"What just happened.... Ugh..." she sighed & looked at the alarm clock beside her saying that its 7:45 pm.

"WHAT THE!", she jumped out from her bed.

" OPPA WHY DIDN'T YOU CALL ME! I'M GONNA KILL YOU!! ", she entered into Yoongi's room while screaming like hell but she found no one.

"What the...where is he? It's Christmas & he's not at home?! How is it possible!"

*doorbell rings*

"AH! Coming!" she went to open the door while wondering who the hell can ring the doorbell? Of course not Yoongi. She put her eye on the peephole & saw Woojin. Her heart skipped a beat when she saw him. She opened the door immediately.

"Oh Woojin! What is it?" she asked. He looked kinda excited to yongmun.

"Did you just wake up?" he asked.

She nodded.

"So you might not know where is Hyung!"

"Where's he?!" she shouted.

"Go wear your jacket first! It's snowing outside!"

"Ok ok!" she ran to the inside & come out soon wearing a jacket.

"Come with me!" he grabbed her hand & without letting her to say anything, he pulles her to the elevator & got on it.

"What happened?!" she exclaimed.

"I saw them heading to the park while returning from the store!"

"Them?! Oppa & Unnie?!" she exclaimed again.

He nodded.

"AAAAA...." She was about to scream but Woojin shut her up.

They ran to the park & found them. They carefully headed near them & hide in a corner.

"I even thought that....I don't even have any right to live on....But then I thought... What about the person who waited for me that long? I just..." Yoongi tried to hold his cry back "....don't want to hurt you anymore." & he finally cried.

"Please! Please! Don't cry, Suga...It also hurts me." Jisoo immediately hugged him. "I didn't remember anything! You forget everything too! Let's just start everything again! A fresh beginning! " she said.

"Did you really forgive me?" he said while weeping & crying.

"I said! I forgave you & also forgot everything!! Just please stop thinking about them! Look...its snowing...remember? We first met on a a park... " she said.

"Yes....." he said. He was still hugging her while sitting on a bench & looking at the falling snow. "Let's go to my home! Yongmun is still sleeping alone. She was so tensed about you & me. She must be happy if we see us."

"Aww...she really cares about everyone specially when it comes to you. Okay. I'll go!" said Jisoo.

Woojin & Yongmun were seeing & listening everything so silently. When they talked about going to home, finally Woojin said, " They're gonna go home! We should go back before them!"

Yongmun nodded.

But when they were about to run, Yongmun fell & it literally made a great noise. Jisoo & Yoongi turned to them & they got caught.

"What the..." Yoongi mumbled.

"Woojin? Yongmun? What are you two doing here?" asked Jisoo.

Woojin was standing with a 'busted' face wondering that "how more clumsy this girl can be?"

"Umm....we wanted to...tell you sonething?" said Yongmun with forcing a smile while still laying there.

"What?" said Yoongi who is still in shock.

"Umm...Marry Christmas?" said Woojin.

{To be continued }

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