Not an update yet, but please read!!

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Hey Everyone,

    I wanted to take this time to apologize for my slow updates this past month. I'm sure you guys might've already seen me post about school on my page, but my two summer classes have been severely kicking my ass since I started them a few weeks ago and I haven't had time to do anything except for going to work and coming home to do homework for my classes. For anyone in college, do not take two summer classes at the same time, it's horrible.

They basically cram a 15 week class in one month. Besides apologizing for my slow updates, I also wanted to say that I am of course still going to be working on this story and am in no way discontinuing it.

I basically already have the whole book planned out and I even know how it will end (it will most likely be around 40-50 chapters, just a far warning haha.) I hope you guys like long stories! My classes finish next Wednesday, so I will be back to updating this story then. From there on out I will update it about every 3-7 days, but possibly sooner.

I also wanted to take this time to ask if any of you would maybe like to see a backstory into how Muzan and Amaya met? I honestly didn't know how I wanted to make them meet at first, but now I have a good idea lol. I was thinking about doing a special chapter into how they met in the near future :)

Finally, I wanted to clear something up that I realized might be a little confusing after reading through my chapters again.

If you haven't read the manga then this is a slight spoiler, but considering Kagaya is only 23 and the backstory takes place 16 years prior to the actual timeline, I decided to make him a little older. He would only be 7 right now in the story if I went by his actual age, so I made him 14, meaning he'll be 30 in the actual story.

Although he is so young, of course he had to mature a lot sooner due to his family's diseases and the responsibilities as leader of the Demon Slayer Corp, so he acts a lot older. Another slight spoiler, he met his wife when he was 13.

Although his disease is supposed to kill him before he reaches 30, I thought I'd make it so he was the only one in his family to actually see his 30th birthday for the sake of the plot. Amaya is 23, meaning that Kagaya's family found her and brought her in before he was born. However, they still became exceptionally close despite their age difference partly due to Kagaya's level of maturity. You'll find out more about this later on in the story, but I really wanted to clear it up because I didn't realize how confusing it was.

Thank you for your continued support for my story! I hope you guys are enjoying it and stick along throughout the rest of it! Much love!

Here's a baby boy Muzan cuz why not🤪 (Look how adorable he is tho🥺❤️) credit: @MuzhhArt on Twitter

Here's a baby boy Muzan cuz why not🤪 (Look how adorable he is tho🥺❤️) credit: @MuzhhArt on Twitter

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