Tin man and the Widow

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The next day

Right after school, Y/n and Petra are seen in their spidey suits swinging towards Avengers tower. The two land on the Avengers sign, Petra then calls Tony.

Petra: Um, Mr. Stark? We're outside…*nods* oh okay! Yeah we'll meet you there! *turns to Y/n* Okay, you see the helipad right there!

She points at the helipad on the side of the building.

Y/n: Yeah?

Petra: He said we land there, and he'll open the doors. Then for us to wait in the living room.

The two swing over to the helipad and begin to walk toward the glass doors. They hear the door unlock, and Petra then pulls Y/n inside. Y/n was in awe as they walked through the halls, until she eventually led him to the living room.

Y/n: Wow, how often do you come here?

Petra: Oh you know, once in a while. Mr. Stark said that I could probably be an avenger soon, so they said I need to be, what's the word… familiar with this place. Okay so wait here, I'm going to find Mr. Stark!

She takes off her mask and kisses Y/n on the cheek before running down the hall. Y/n chuckles at his girlfriend before sitting down on the couch. On the outside Y/n looked calm, but on the inside… his inner nerd had surfaced again.

Y/n: *Thoughts* Holy crap, I'm gonna meet Tony Stark! Oh God! What do I say!? Oh god, maybe the other avengers are here?!  

As Y/n was silently geeking/freaking out, he felt his spidey sense go off. He jumps off the couch as a heel swings past his head. 

Y/n: Hey! What the hell was that forrrrrr…

His eyes widened as standing right in front of him was one of his favorite Avengers, minus iron man. The black Widow.

Black Widow: Wait… your that "spider-man" Tony was talking about. I'm sorry I tried to attack you, I didn't recognize you, and was confused on how you got in.

Y/n: Y-You're Black Widow! 

She looks at him for a bit before the realization hits, causing her to smirk at the boy.

Black Widow: Yeah, I am. Are you a fan?

Y/n: U-Uh yeah! I-I saw you guys fight those aliens in 2012, on the T-TV! Oh my God I can't believe I'm meeting you in person!

Black widow giggles as the boy geeks out. She places a hand on his head, he stops talking and looks up at her.

Black Widow: *giggles* Calm down kid. So, how about we sit down and tell me why Tony wanted you here?

Y/n: Oh yeah!

The two sit down. Y/n explains that as Y/n and Petra were patrolling, Petra got a call from Tony questioning why she hadn't told him about "Spider-man". Especially since he appeared a few months ago, and she's clearly working along-side him. Y/n of course didn't bring up any personal information such as his name, his school, or even grade, other than he sees "Spider-woman" frequently. 

Black Widow: I see. Well once again, I'm sorry for attacking you earlier.

Y/n: It's fine! My spidey sense would kick in if something like that happens so I don't get hurt!

Black Widow:*giggles a bit at the young hero* Not sure if that made me feel better but, as long as you're fine.

Behind them, they hear a door open, Tony Stark and Petra enter the room. Y/n instinctively stands up, and stumbles a bit.

Y/n: Uh hi Mr. Stark!

Tony approaches the masked hero and sticks out his hand. Y/n just stares at the hand as he processes what's happening.

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