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It is always a struggle to be quiet when you know that you need to be. It's almost as if there's a pressure placed upon you, forcing you to stay mouselike. However, it's always when you have that added pressure to stay quiet that you make the most noise. Case and point: my morning.

From the moment I woke up, I had suddenly become this boisterous klutz. I stepped out of my bed, knocking over my lamp. It crashed to the floor in a thud, resulting in a few slewed curse words. Tiptoeing quietly through my bedroom, I open my door that suddenly decided it was going to become squeaky. It made a loud noise, almost waking up Niall.

I had set my clock the night before for six in the morning so that I would be able to go for an early morning jog. A routine I had fallen into over the past few weeks. Being as quiet as I could, I changed into a set of running pants and a matching sweatshirt. But as I was tying up my running shoes, I fell down, crashing into my hallway closet - almost breaking the door.

Niall was still fast asleep on the couch, oblivious to the havoc I was making around him. I find a piece of scrap paper and write him a note. The worst thing to do is wake up at someone else's home and realize that they're no where to be found. I had learnt that the last time I fell asleep at his place. I didn't want to do that once again.

As I'm about to unlock my front door, a muffled sound comes from the living room. I freeze automatically, not wanting to make even more of a ruckus.

"Evie?" Niall's voice cuts through the silence, causing me to jump in surprise.

I turn around, seeing an all too familiar sight. "Hey sleepyhead," I gently greet, my voice kept soft.

"Hey," he runs his hands over his face, groaning into them. He runs them over his forehead and through his bead head, messing the blonde hair up more. He rolls his shoulders, waking himself more. "Where you going?" He asks, his eyes finally taking notice of my soon departure.

"I was going to go run," I reply, "Left you a note this time."

He nods, his brows still furrowed. "Oh," he says as he leans against the wall. "Do you need a running partner? It's pretty dark out still."


"It's fine if you don't want me to go. No need to look like a scared puppy," he chuckles.

"I'm more of a cat person," I tease. He only looks at me, lips pursed, and eyes dancing with amusement. There was no way that I could turn the guy down...

"Fine," I release a breath, quickly opening the door. "Hurry up!"

Niall walks over to the door, bending down to grab his shoes. He slips them on his feet, and stands back up. "Okay, let's go."

I stand there, staring at him a bit confused. He raises an eyebrow, his hands finding rest on his hips. "Thought you were in a hurry," he comments.

"I thought you might need to stop at your place first?"

"Nah - I can run in this," he says, motioning down to his sweat shorts and running shoes. Sighing, I shrug my shoulders, muttering a quick - "Fine," before I open the door fully to let us both out.

I lead us towards the stairs but Niall hesitates behind me. I turn around and see that he is standing there, his lips twitched up into a smirk.

"Don't even start with me Horan," I groan.

He laughs, shaking his head at me. Before I catch on to what he's doing, Niall slips his hand into mine. "Don't want you falling down the stairs," he says, answering my questioning gaze.

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