New school

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My older brother Dylan woke me up early in the morning. "jasmine wake your butt up!" "Few more minutes mom!"i shouted. I could feel his face expression changing. "fine"i shouted. last night me and andrea dyed my hair. I took a shower and choose my outfit. #ootd: black jeggings, a black crop top and some black and white converse.
Andrea drove us to school. I was kinda scared I got looks from some people,but I just shrugged it off. I stopped by the office to get my schedule and locker combination. there was a guy there who looked pretty hot. "hey! You must be the new student,jasmine russett, im Jack by the way" "well nice to meet you jack" I replied "here let me look at your schedule" he said i handed it to him. he was one of the cheering guys I couldn't stand them "well I've really should be going now I have to find my locker" I said "well see you around jasmine"jack said. I texted Andrea.
A=Andrea J=jasmin
J: just found the most annoying person ever
J: some kid named Jack
A: ahh Jack gilinsky.worlds number one player
J: what ever
A:hey guess what?
A:I got my schedule changed to everything you got!
J:omg THX so much!!
A:well gtg text me when you get ready to go to class
I texted Andrea when I was getting ready to go to class but I found it. everyone was in their seat and there was only one see left by a boy in front from Jack.
"Ahh you must be the new student um ms.russett. take a seat next to mr. maloley." When I sat down he couldn't keep his eyes off of me. and the teacher noticed "um mr.maloley is there a problem?" The teacher asked " um yea there is a major hottie sitting right next to me"i started to blush "well then Kenny trade places with jasmin, jasmin you go sit by andrea." thank you I whispered "class we will be doing class projects so everyone get into groups of two" the teacher said of course me and Andrea wanted to be a group but jenn took her away and it was only me and mr.maloley. "so jasmine russett and Nate Maloley" the teacher said " so you at my house at 7" he whispered in my ear. he took my phone and put his number and address in it.
I was sitting with Andrea and some friends of nates came over
"Hey I lost my phone would you mind helping me?" He asked
"Okay my number is 123-456-7890"
"Now I know a number to block" I said they looked at me weird
"I'm not dumb I know this trick. you ask for someone to help you,they call your phone and then you've got their phone number" they look heart broken😂
I told them I don't know what vine was and I smack cam Nate he grabbed my wrist and I gulped. the girls were watching from a distance "run" he said coldly I had to got practice any way. Nate was chasing me around the school. I lead him to the football field were practice for gymnastics was. I did a round off and waved the good bye . " Hey what are you guys doing on the field you know girls practice here now shoo" coach said to Nate and his friends. We were dancing to tinashe 2 on (video on top) he gave me a death glare I feel like I'm off to a good start today.

The bad boy (a Nate Maloley Fanfic) {Editing}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu