48: The Spirit

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Hiko felt himself wake up, his head was still spinning. He forced himself to sit up and look around. He was on a field of grass and he saw colorful plants far from him.

"Here again?" He muttered. He looked up at the yellow sky, wondering again where he was.

"Yuri!" He shouted to the wind. He walked forward, limping a little bit. Squinting his eyes, he saw a black figure up ahead which looked familiar. He started running toward it. The black figure became bigger as he came closer to it. It was the mountain.

"This again." Hiko looked up to see the black clouds surrounding it's peak. He took a deep breath before climbing. He struggled to find nooks within the mountain which he can squeeze his fingers to. He started gaining speed the more he climbed. The black clouds were getting closer to Hiko, making him worried. He continued climbing until he reached the black clouds. He entered it, barely being able to breath. He climbed faster, wanting to reach the peak. Finally, he pulled himself up and surpassed the clouds. The sunlight blinded him as he stared at the sky above the clouds. He looked back down at the black clouds below him which looked like a small puddle of black amongst the sea of white clouds he was staring at. He looked up the mountain, there was a small platform at the top. Grunting, Hiko pulled himself to the platform where he layed down on the floor in exhaustion.

"Ah, you've finally made it." A deep voice spoke. Hiko raised his head to look at the one who was speaking. In front of him was a large figure. Much larger than any man he has seen. But, it's back was covered with feathers, all jet black.

"Who are you?" Hiko asked as he struggled to stand up.

"I am the great spirit that lives amongst the sea of clouds." The figure turned around to reveal a giant Raven Eagle. His face was a normal Raven Eagle's but his expressions were human-like.

"Why am I here?" Hiko asked, unintimidated.

"I brought you here, to see if you would climb."

"That's all? You wanted to see how good of a rockclimber I am?"

"Of course not. I wanted to see if you were worthy. And you were able to get through the black clouds, so you are." The spirit came closer to Hiko and touched his forehead. His body immediately felt relaxed and alive. All his fatigue and exhaustion was now gone.


"Now Hiko. You must stop your Uncle from invading your clan. If he succeeds, he'll be able to invade the Fire Nation as well." The spirit spoke in a wise voice.

"Why are you telling me this? Shouldn't you be telling Yuri?" The spirit shook it's head.

"I chose you because you are different. Since your birth, I've been watching over you closely. And through so much, you are still able to hold on to your morals."

"I have so many questions. Why are you doing this?"

"To put it simply, I am the spirit of Lightning. And Lightning has chosen you, like Fire, it is alive and it dwells in you. It flows through you like a water of a creek, smooth and gentle. But at the same time it carries the power of five suns. You have pushed Lightningbending to it's limits, even discovering a new element with it. To say your father was great makes you..." The Raven Eagle smiled affectionately. "...extraordinary."

"But, how do I save the clan?! I'm so far away."

"Well." The spirit came closer and knelt down to his level. He touched Hiko's chest with his wings and a different kind of energy flew through him. "When you get back to the surface. Focus your energy on your spine. Then release it through there." The spirit touched his head and at that moment Hiko felt himself come back to the physical world. He opened his eyes and snapped up.

"Hiko!" Yuri came up to him and hugged him. "I thought you were dead!" They were back inside the cell. Hiko hugged Yuri back, relieved she was safe.

"We have to go. Junko's invading the clan." Hiko ran to the metal bars and sliced them apart quickly. "Come on!"

Hiko and Yuri ran through the corridors which were now empty. They went up the stairs and found themseleves on the side of a mountain.

"Hiko, what do we do?" Yuri said desperately.

Let's do this, Mr. Spirit.

Hiko sat down and crossed his legs. He closed his eyes, focusing his energy and letting it flow to his spine. As it did he felt it crawl up his back. He opened his eyes, releasing his energy. At that moment, two huge wings sprouted out of his back. Both were pulsating as they were made out of Lightning. Yuri was agape at the sight.

Hiko stood up and took Yuri's hand.

"Let's save our clan." Hiko jumped off the mountain, making Yuri scream.

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