Bkdk humanoid ch4

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Few weeks later, the school strengthened their security measures and principal nezu decided to let his beloved students to stay inside dorms. Some teachers were sent to convince their parents to stay at the school grounds until they met Katsuki and deku's parents and surprisingly, they both agreed. So deku promised himself to protect Katsuki no matter what.

Deku was so excited while Katsuki was so annoyed from the calls from mitsuki, to take good care of themselves.

"I know, I know., Old hag!", Katsuki groaned.

"Don't call me that!", Mitsuki grunt on the call.

"Izuku, please be careful... We miss you both. One more thing, if Katsuki does something stupid, call me, okay?", Mitsuki added.

"Don't worry, mitsuki-san... I will.", Deku giggled.

"We're going now, we have something to do, goodbye.", Katsuki hanged up.

They both sighed and continued putting out their things. Deku went back to his room and do his things too.

Soft knocks was heard behind the door, "the door's open.", Deku said.

"Hey, deku-kun, wanna join us? we're going to walk around, there are some from the class.", Said uraraka cheerfully.

"Sure, i'll ask kacchan, if he would like to.", Izuku said and took out his phone and texted him.

His phone pinged and read it, "he'll coming.", Deku smiled.

Few minutes of waiting, Katsuki came so they got out of the building and walked around along with their friends.

They wander around and katsuki gone spacing out, images of his childhood friend appearing on his mind again, more on izuku's smile.

"If I didn't bully you and chase you like that, instead of confessing my feelings for you, but it's already too late.", He thought then a soft wind caressed his bare skin.

"Izuku... Was that you?", Katsuki said that can barely hear.

"Kacchan? What's wrong?", Deku asked and looked at each other.

"Izuku...", Katsuki uttered out, reaching out his hand to him.

"Kacchan? ne, kacchan...", Deku waved his hand infront of him.

Katsuki blinked twice and saw deku gone worried for him.

"I'm sorry, what are you talking about?", Katsuki pulled himself together.

"You're spacing out and you just called me izuku... Are you alright?", deku asked worriedly.

"I'm just tired. I have to go back to the dorms...", Katsuki sighed.

"He's kinda lonely, I wish he could tell me about it.", Deku mumbled.

"There you are, my lovely prince!", A man from before grabbed deku once again. Taking him away.

"Kacchan~ save me~"

This was happened when katsuki started bullying izuku when they were 7, Katsuki only wants to convince him to fight back but izuku didn't thought of it.

Katsuki didn't hate him, he wanted him to be strong until he realized that he had fallen in love with him. He wanted to confess his feelings but izuku thought that he'll hit him again so he ran off. Katsuki chased after him but he became a victim of hit and run.

He fell down on his knees and gone flabbergasted, staring at his now dead body. It's too late to tell him 'i love you'.

"This is all my fault. If I didn't chase him back then and quit bullying him, maybe he's still alive 'til now. I missed him so much.", Katsuki said while resting himself on his bed, same images showed up on his mind again.

A sudden blow of soft wind touches his skin again and reminded himself for deku didn't back home yet so he texted him but the humanoid didn't reply.

Hard knocks behind his room's door.

Katsuki grunt, "what now, round face?".

"Have izuku came back yet? Some witnesses said that villains kidnapped a UA student. I didn't saw him since todoroki talked to him.", Uraraka said.

"What?! Do you know where they are?", Katsuki gone worried, rushing toward the door.


"Hey, you, icyhot! Where's de-izuku?!", Katsuki brawled and pulled his collar, catching his heavy breathes.

"They took him, the villains, I can't save him alone.", He continued.

"Call aizawa-sensei, round face. I'll find him, I knew where they were!",

"But it's dangerous if you're going alone. Just wait for me, I'll call the teachers.", Uraraka said and ran out.

"I can't wait any longer, I need to find him. He's in danger!", Katsuki was terrified to what will happen to deku.

For him, deku was not a humanoid but he's a real person. So he went to the abandoned lab and looked around.

"Oh, you're here! Good timing.", Dabi said while the little izuku was on his lap, sleeping or rather, running out of battery.

"Give him back!", Katsuki bombarded but toga stopped him, "not quite, you brat!".

Dabi pushed a button on deku's chest and flower-like thing bloomed and the crystal that have already stained with red hue revealed. Twice, behind him, took it and put it inside a metal tube, "it's hot!", Twice grumbled.

"you have already obtained that thing so give him back.", Said Katsuki.

"Ah, ah, ah, don't be so egoistic. You should be thankful that someone loves your creation. You made him delighted of what you did.", Dabi said smirking.

"What do you mean?", Katsuki widened his eyes when dabi let the humanoid sat on a comfy chair. "Who are you?", He asked.

All for one appeared from a distance, "I'm izuku's father, and thank you having him here, and hopefully he'll know who I am.", All for one said.

"Deku, wake up! Can you hear me?", Katsuki said and deku slowly tilted his head up apathetically.

"Ka-kac-han~", deku mumbled and something fell, "fuck! That thing burning my fingers!", Twice groaned.

"Impossible! What's happening on that thing? It wasn't like that before! You brat! What did you do to it, huh?", Tomura rankled.

Katsuki ran to it but the crystal broke from falling. "Let me go!", He fidgeted so they slumbered him for good.

Katsuki dreamt about izuku, for he confessed and finally, izuku accepted his love for him but he is already dead and he'll never coming back. "Promise me to save him...", Izuku said and vanished.


Katsuki woke up and looked around, "where am I?", He said and got a sudden headache.

He looked around again and found himself on a dark dirty cell, rusted chains and some destroyed parts of humanoid, "are they trying to make humanoids too?", He thought of himself.

He could hear people lurking outside the room so he ask them to let him out but they refused, "it's an order and quiet down, you're too noisy!", One of the guards said.

Katsuki rapt on a corner and thought somewhat on his mind, so he rummaged at the pile of body parts.

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