Day 2-7: Worker-san

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Worker-san reconnected at the Orphanage dormitory. There the first thing she did was look around the room again. She found another set of Skin Rolls and a Coal Shard.
After replenishing her stock she left to the Academy as according to an information site, there was a large amount of books available at it's public library.
She stayed there all day, reading one book after another. When she became hungry she would eat a sausage and give a few bones to her canine companion.
From time to time she would get a notice that she had discovered a Historical piece of information or a clue on how to use a certain magic.
She took notes of all the interesting things she found along with the name of the book she did.
She did so until her automatic timmer told her it was time to wake up in RL
Worker-san connected in the Orphanage. She immediatly took all scrolls and the coal shard from the dormitory and went to the academy's library to start reading again, as the hours passed several messages popped but she ignored them, more interested in learning something new.

"You have learned [Herborism]"
"You have learned [Ancient Chinese Language]"
"You have learned [Culture of the Ancient Chinese Civilisation ]"
"You have learned [Advanced Magic Sigil Knowledge]"

By mid day, the labrarian sat with her and they discussed the Ancient Chinise Civilisation while they shared the librarian's meal and she gave bones to the dog.
After that she continued to read.

"You have learned [Ancient Chinese numerical Alphabet]"
"You have learned [Basic Identify]"

When the timmer went off she disconnected where she was sitting.
Worker-san kept reading books at the library all day. This time she chose books related to elemental magic and sat at a table taking more notes.

[You have developped a Earth Affinity through your extensive Knowledge.
You can now learn Earth based Elemental Magic. ]

At luch time, the librarian came again and they disscussed the Ancient Chinesse Civilisation again. This time she asked them of the spiritual side of their culture.
He told her about the monks, boudah
And the Priesstresses, their role in society and how they lived their daily life. Most of it was theories and conjectures but it was still most interesting and she listened to it with interest.

After luch she went back to studying Elemental Magic.

[you have developed a Fire affinity through your increased knowledge.
You can now learn Fire based Elemental Magic]
[you have developed a Wind affinity through your increased knowledge.
You can now learn Wind based Elemental Magic]

Then she returned to the Orphanage, took the scrolls and coal and ate supper there before logging off.
On the second day she did the very same but instead she talked about the Ancient Chineese Religion with the old Librarian

[you have developed a Water affinity through your increased knowledge.
You can now learn Water based Elemental Magic]
[you have developped an affinity with all four Basic Elemental Magic.
You can now learn Intermediary Elemental Magic]

After thos message she looked for intermediary elemental magic but found none.
After asking the librarian about it she was informed that information about those were only available to those capable of Magic Power and Manipulation wich she could learn at the Academy.

Since she had to wait for three weeks before the next enrolment phase she decided to do some quests.

The librarian asked her to clean and restock the library which took her the rest of the day.
For her efforts she received a Blanck Note Book made of thick uneven paper and a quill. But no ink.

Worker-san was still at the library. She kept reading and discussing with the librarian about the Ancient Chineese Civilisation, learning about them little by little.
She would play with her dog on the way to the Public Library from the Orphanage and feem him bones at mid day.

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