Your fucking lyinn let me see

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I turn around to see Kageyama being kissed by that same girl. I was shocked and he ended up pushing her away and yelling at her. Kageyama's friends looked at him in shock. I couldn't handle it anymore. So i transformed into a female form and walked up to the girl. And slapped her so hard in the face

She started to cry and then she ran off. I walked off and transformed. Kageyama saw me. He came Up to me and. He grabs my wrist and drags me out the gym and into the changing room. He comes up to me and then kissed me. I was shocked but kissed back. He started kissing my neck then he stopped. I looked at him and he smiled. It warmed my heart. We walk out and I look at him and say, "I love you."

He told me that he loves me also. It was the afternoon and we went back home. I went back in the closet to the other world and we held each others hands. Then the guards came and took me and Kageyama. We didn't know what was happening.

We arrived at the castle. And one of the guards bowed to me and said, " welcome back your majesty." Me and Kageyama were shocked. I was a king. But that's not right. I started asking them questions and they answered. They explained that my mom didn't want to be queen, so she changed her look and became a villager. I understood. Then some maid approach me and Kageyama. She was nice she said she would get us changed and into outfits. She and the other maids helped us with our hair, skin care and other things.

Kageyama was still in shock. I on the other hand was just confused. Me and Kageyama exchanged a couple of words and then we were brought to a table with a lot of food. I sat on the end of the table and Kageyama sat beside me. On of the guards told him to move because that's were the queen/king(husband) sits. I told the guards that he is considered that. The guard apologized and let us eat. Me and Kageyama were about to go to sleep. But Kageyama told me that he had school tomorrow and we need to go back. We went tell the one of guards what was happening. He understood and let us go.

We went back home and realized it was the same time as before. We went to bed and woke up ready for school. I was walking to the gym to practice with Kageyama when that same girl. Came up to me. She was angry.
" what the hell do you think. Your doing. Stay away from Kageyama." And then she walked off. I was totally unfazed because Kageyama was right there watching.

We walk in and started practicing.  And everyone was shocked how good we are. I was able to read attacks and see every move before it happened. After that I went to class and Kageyama sat near me for lunch. We started to talk. And that SAME GIRL came up and sat near Kageyama. And he pushed her away. He said it loud and clear for her to hear, " I DONT LIKE YOU IM IN A RELATIONSHIP." She was shocked. Kageyama grabbed my wrist and dragged me out of the classroom and on the the rooftop.  He held my hand while we ate. We we were done we went to the gym for more practicing and once it was time to go home. We went to Lagital and went back to the castle. And one of the maids that helped us her name was Sophia. We asked her at come to our world at a certain time to pick us up. She agreed and we game her our schedule. We ate and went back to our world. For FRIDAY. The day went on as normal and then instead of pulling up in a normal car she pulled up in a limo. And got everyone's attention. And when we got home  in Lagital we had lunch and explored the castle and then we met some girl and then she said...


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2020 ⏰

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